Time Travel

Travelling time have become a most important citria in presnt work... not for all but those who are madly atachted with science and especially those who beleve that treveling time would be possible. Is it realy that time trevel will be possible. Many science friction movie we can find that time trevel is done by using machine or mirrors.. but is time trevel is that to simple ? No i donet think so, on behav of my thinking treveling time is like treveling a dimension. We all know that ech our or ech sec or ech nanosec images or light gets reflect from our body or any particle presnt in this world or universe.. in brief we can say that lights get reflect from us n get scatred in this univrse. Thus we can conclude that each time being we leave our past in the univrese as a in the form of light. There is a theorm we all have studied in school days that some of the stars that we are looking may have died long years ago. If these so then what we are viewing. We are viewing actully there past .

So it is not wrong of thinking time trevel yes we can do time trevel bt there are some boundary that we need to follow or we can say that it is nature's rule that this boundary is needed to follow automatically. Like we cannot change the past. If in future also if it is possible to make a machine that can trevel time , acording to me it wont be possible to change the past..

Now lets come how we can trevel time

There are many theory in treveling time.according to me if we want to trevel time we need to trvel that much speed in the univese that can even fastr then light by these we can bet the therom of reflection as aftr trevelling faster then light we can trevel more faster then the light reflectng from earth each time being. Likewish we can trevel many days or years n can catch those light which are of past and by converting it to 3 dimensional rether then 2 we can go to past. Bt all these are just theory or imagination practcally treveling fastr then light is not possible. N more over if it can some how possible to trevel it wont be garnty that we can catch the light n make a saparate world in a form of 3 dimensional

Thus these are just theory which has no valid prove and cant b proved. Sorry if someone is hurt these is my thoery of thinkng to trevel time. Thank