IS SCIENCE A BOON OR A BANE TO THE SOCIETY? Bold text== Italic text ==

“Thank God, I am an atheist!” This is a common statement to be heard when one is confronted with issues. In the same category falls another statement ‘Science is not a boon but a bane to the society’. This, from people who are able to express their views only because of scientific technology! Science is a boon. It has helped us come out of our ignorance cocoon. Use it for mankind’s good, Let neither the sky be the limit, nor the moon And human will be a developed being soon. If used as a boon, time isn’t far When the resulting consequences will take us to our tomb.

Humans are like moths and butterflies. They come into this world with an innocent and ductile mind, unaware of the happenings around them. They get absorbed in the worldly life and turn into cocoon, obstinate to change their stage (i.e. they form their own views and it’s difficult to change their opinions). In such a circumstance, science comes into play. It provides us with a rational mind and the ability to analyze logically. It helps us come out of our cocoon of ignorance and develop into a complete being. Survival of the fittest and elimination of the weak is the law of nature but the immense potential or simply the power of science makes the weak and the meek stronger and also gives them a chance to compete with the fittest and the strongest on equal footing. Those who criticize science, talk chiefly about the harmful effects of the scientific gadgets. But, what do we really mean by “science”???

Science is knowledge of observation and analyzing facts. Knowledge gives power and ignorance causes weakness. We suffer when we’re ignorant. The habit of reasoning, inquiring and questioning is the greatest gift of science. It is the clear light of reason that shows the truth of things. Science is no doubt, a factor in war, but it is even more powerful actor for peace. Science is independent of superstition and sentiments. It is the basic foundation of development and progress. “Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.” ~Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970) The above quote indicates that the ability of questioning is what matters. The word “Why?” holds a lot of importance for progress in science. “Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.”~ Edwin Powell Hubble (1889 - 1953) Nothing better has happened in the history of man than the advent of Science in his life. The world into which science came was a world of ignorance, suffering and hardship. Science has come to relieve us of sufferings, to remove our ignorance and to lighten our toil. In fact, science, like a faithful servant, serves us in all walks of life. Necessity is the mother of invention (sic). Ever increasing needs of man has led to many scientific discoveries, inventions, adventures and occasionally misadventures too. The Spirit of Inquiry: Believe nothing Merely because it is traditional, Or because You yourself have imagined. Do not believe what your teacher tells you, Merely out of respect for the teacher But whatever After due examination and analysis, To the good, the benefit The welfare of all beings, That doctrine believed and clinged to And takes it as your guide.

When we had a debate on this issue in our school, most of the students felt that science isn’t just a bane but is also a curse, and given a chance, they’d like to ban it. Why??Life would have been so better had there been no Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics to study. One student succinctly summed up the sentiments of the majority when he said that he wished instead of an apple, a coconut had fallen on Newton’s head. One student with an excellent foresight prophesized a chapter in the history book of the aliens living on earth in 3030- Dinosaurs perished because they ran out of food resources about millions of years ago. Then, Homo sapiens too, became extinct when their population far exceeded their agricultural produce. On a more serious note, even those who crucified science owe their existence to science. But for science and resultant increase in the crop production, population would have long outstripped the agricultural outputs. It has contributed to the success of the green revolution and white revolution in our country. Today itself we received the information about this prestigious competition and tomorrow the essay is expected to reach Bhubaneswar. But I am confident that my essay will reach in time. Let’s think for a while what has made it possible. Yes friends, of course its science. Truly said, science has brought the world closer and we’re residing in a global village. Within seconds, we get to know what’s happening at the other end of the globe. Yet, we look at each other with suspicion, fear, hatred, competition, etc. Is this because of science??No friends, it has got nothing to do with science. It is just human tendency to see others as threats to one. It is the lack of scientific temperament which leads to the development of such feelings. Electronic media has shrunk the world in the sense that news of one place seems to travel faster than light to even the remotest part of the world. Not only the news spread like wildfire but the effect of the news is also felt throughout the world in no time. The progress in the information technology is also one of the great blessings of science. Now this is the age in which computers are used to spread out maximum information and knowledge all around the world instantly. Through the facility of Internet a common man can get access to the latest information about the happenings of the world, people can make friends who are thousands miles apart. Computers are used in all sectors of life, be it agriculture, business, education, defense or wildlife conservation; computers have made the working easier, modern and more advanced. Life today is full of stress. Science has provided us with stress-busters in the form of i-pods, i-phones, tabs, computers, pspa etc. Right from the time we get up in the morning, everything we do depends on the by-products of science. Technology has made our life easier and simpler, interesting and challenging. Everyone loves life. Knowing death is inevitable, people still cling on to life. Science has proved to be our most faithful medical attendant. Separations of Siamese twins, robotic surgery, treatment of HIV-AIDS, development of newer vaccines are the results of science. Various organ transplants like kidney transplants, eye transplants, liver transplants and heart transplants have given many a new lease of life. Winds, water currents, and sea tides are used for producing electricity. Electric appliances are now the part of our life. They benefit us individually and collectively. The advantages of science are certainly numerous; we are living in an age, which is relatively safe as compared to past. We have overcome many difficulties, which were gigantic problems, in the past. The forces of nature have been controlled and utilized for the service of humanity. Though it got cursed by getting atomized by the USA, Japan gave the world a glimpse of its scientific attitude by not only rebuilding itself quickly but also by emerging as one of the fastest developing countries of the world. It is known to all that Japan experiences earthquakes of 7.0M-8.0M. It is a regular feature in this country which is located in the Ring of Fire. Whenever Japan is hit by any great earthquake, it is severely affected. But interestingly, it recovers from such calamities in a short period of time. All this is possible just because of development in civil engineering. Science plays a major role in the construction of structures. Houses in Japan are built such that they can withstand earthquakes of high magnitudes. The scientific temperament in Japan has helped people progress faster in various fields. Swami Vivekananda impressed the world with his rational thinking. Circa 360million people all around the globe follow the ideology of Buddhism due to Buddha’s scientific approach and logical thinking. Spirit of Inquiry is an essential factor that helps us in our quest for truth. Many great scientists like Thomas Alva Edison, Chandrasekhar Bose, etc got success after years and years of hard work, dedicated efforts and patience and the motivation to search for the truth helped them succeed in their tasks. Edison failed 999 times in his attempts to design an electric bulb. Yet he never gave up; he kept on trying and experimenting; and finally he succeeded in his 1000th attempt. During his search for a filament that could withstand intense heat for long time, he never lost his patience. Chandrasekhar Bose, right from his childhood, was inquisitive. He used to pester his father with a number of questions. His curiosity to learn helped him discover photosynthesis in plants. From these two examples, it is evident that science teaches one to be patient, logical, practical and inquisitive. Feelings of hatred and jealousy never dwell in a scientific mind. Electricity has lightened our rooms while science has enlightened the minds of many greats like Buddha. Science is a tool. Its use depends on who uses it and how. Science in the hands of a “human” is a blessing, while science in the hands of a “devil” proves fatal. It is this devil which has to eliminated, not science. Nobody can deny that in this modern era, science is an ethically inseparable aspect of human life. Everyone is aware of the equation of theory of relativity given by Albert Einstein: e=mc2 which paved way for the destruction of two cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) In this age, let the equation be em=c2 where em=evolution of mankind and the two Cs stand for culture and core values of humanity and sCience. Let science be the “boon” and not the “broom” to sweep aside all the problems affecting the universe.