Manab protim

Manab protim is a 16 years old boy from TITABOR , he belongs to middle class family, his father's name is RATNESWAR HAZARIKA and mother's name is LAKHMI HAZARIKA , he has a little sister name TRISHNA MONI HAZARIKA. Now he is a android app developer, website developer and ethical hacker. He belongs to Titabor, which is situated in Assam. He was born on 2001 year August 18 in PHALENGICHUK goan . He started primary class in PHALENGICHUK LP SCHOOL . He is interested in TECHNICAL things and softwares . But his family was shifted to SORAIPANI BALIJAN so he change his school and he restarted study from SORAIPANI BALIJAN LP SCHOOL .

                                                    He always doing some technical things on home or school. After complete LP SCHOOL course ( upto class 5) he went to PADMA RAM SHARMA HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, which is situated in MADHAPUR.

There he was read to class 10th , he was taught HACKING at class 8th. He always get 90% above on computer subject.

                                                 He was created his first android app when he was 9th standard, he was created 13 android app when he was in 10th standard i mean time of HSLC .

After pass his HSLC exam , he take admission at PRAGJYOTIKA JUNIOR COLLEGE. now he is a Android app developer,web developer and ethical hacker.