Name: Malvern

Surname: Kunaka

Other Name (s): Foreign, Silencor

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 09 April 1999

Nationality: Zimbabwean

Career(s): Skyy Bar Associate, Manager of Peers' Place Zimbabwe, Student

Malvern Kunaka was born to Pfungwa Kunaka and Mosline Gonye as their second child after his sister Lydia Kunaka. He has a total of three siblings after the passing away of his younger brother Gracious Kunaka, who are by name and order of age Lydia Kunaka, Charmaine Kunaka and Nicole Kunaka.

Early Life

Growing up Malvern was always a laid back young man who kept to himself most of the times. When he did go out with friends he would be quick to varnish if things were getting a bit out of hand. He had his first kiss in the first grade from a girl he only recalls as Melissa and swore that when he grew up he would marry a woman by that name.Miraculously his family was not hardly hit by the inflation that struck his country of nationality between 2007-08. It still remains a mystery as to how the family's wealth grew during that period but it marked a new beginming in their lives.

Youth Life

Over the years his father's wealth grew attracting un wanted publicity to the family leading to court restraining order agreements that also got the ZRP involved