MM3OXB is a young amateur radio operator who is currently located in the United Kingdom. Ben Rodriguez, age 15, has been registered for a few months now and mainly works DX on 80m and 40m but also works local on the BT (Berwick-Upon-Tweed) repeater. Ben first got started into the hobby when he was searching between the frequencies of 140-150MHz using his Yupiteru MVT-7100, hence as a result of this he stumbled across a few amateurs chatting on the BT repeater. He then decided to follow up the conversation and searched, on the internet, for one of the call signs he heard and much to his surprise it was a guy called John (GM7NVA), who lives only 1 mile from him! He then looked up various amateur radio websites such as "" and became more interested in the hobby, he then decided to contact a local club that ran courses for a Foundation Licence and as luck had it, he found one up in Edinburgh with a guy called Bob (GM4YUZ). On September 2006, Ben passed his Foundation licence and had his first contact on air on the 10/10/06 with an amateur operator called Cliff (G3YOG). As time went on, he made various other friends on the local repeater and he also purchased special equipment to operate on different bands such as 80m & 40m. He now currently has a Kenwood Trio TS-700G, a Yaesu 857D and an Alinco 22E. He uses the 857D for HF and the 700G for his local repeater. Hopefully, in the summer of 2007, he will do his Intermediate licence and then his Advanced licence (or any other thereof). Mominteraly, Ben continues to enjoy his hobby and has made many contacts across the globe including Germany, Norway, Sweden, Spain, America, Wales & Ireland.