Study List:

Plan to improve the translation work for Wikipedia

option 1


Wikipedia to have a little program to find out which pages need better translation. Not only the pages not created for the target language, also the pages that have much less information on target language than English page or the page of original language.

lines_of_page(target language page) / lines_of_page(English or original language page) < 10%

Using per week (or per month) visitor numbers to prioritize the pages can create a candidate list. Putting translation effort on the candidate list might give back the most influence.

option 2


Reader can use social media (Ex. Facebook) to propose the pages that require translation. Each proposal can be with some lines of descriptions. The items with more LIKE counts will own the priority to be translated.

  • Examples of proposal:
克里斯欽自由城 <我想讀這,因為> 旅遊的時候發現這個很有趣的地方。這是哥本哈根城中心的一小塊自治區,他們宣稱不屬於歐盟,且擁有自己的貨幣系統、郵局,並且不受丹麥的大麻禁令影響。之前的中文資料甚少,但漸漸陸續有些遊記出來。很好奇他們是如何建立並維持自己的自治權。英文版本很詳盡,希望有人能多多少少幫忙翻譯一些。
X_(公司) <我想讀這,因為> X 公司前身是Google X。他們已經推出了Google Glass。專案中的自駕車已日漸成熟,有可能在未來數年內普及。目前的中文條目內容太過簡短,有些資料也已經過時。希望有人可以幫忙翻譯、補充。