These are the pages that I am interested on:



Machu Picchu




Peru: If I were to correct something from this page I would change the fact that it says that Lima is the biggest city because it is not, it is actually Loreto. Maybe what they wanted to say is that it is the biggest because of the population because it is indeed the most populated city in Peru but it is not the biggest geographically. To support this, I found a map of Peru divided by "departamentos" which comes to be the cities in Peru so you can see by yourself which one is the biggest city and I would also include this picture in the wikipedia page about Peru so people can have an idea of what different "departamentos" there are and just in general how Peru looks like.

I would include a section for food because Peru is known by its great food and I think it deserves its own section. I would say that the food unites the people because meals usually take hours, not because of the time to prepare it but also because it is a time when families and friends get together to talk and just share sometime together. I can not find a source to support this because this is my own experience in Peru so I do not think it is published somewehere in the internet, but I know by my experience that this is true.

Other thing that I would include is more pictures from Lima because the ones that are shown in the wikipedia page only show the dirty and not that nice areas, so I would include a picture of the Cathedral of Lima city. Also some pictures of Miraflores which is a popular turistic place that is a must, if people visit Lima. Now for Peru in general, I would put pictures of Mancora which is a very popular beach at the North of Peru before Tumbes which is a great place to visit as well and to know about. Last but not least I would include more pictures of Machu Picchubecause there is only one and it is good for people to see more of it.

Pilates: If I were to correct something from this page I would suggest to correct the fact that its main concentration is the spine because I think that one of the most important things for pilates is respiration. If there is no good respirtation then the body starts hurting more than it should and the person practising won't be able to do it for too long. A resource that supports this is Breathing Basic Workshop which says that the basic thing in order to do pilates correctly is the respiration and stress the importance of it which I think should be changed in the page, from muscle work to respiration.

A section that I would include is some of the exercises that are done because there is no description of the actual moves that go on in this sport. One source that talks about the exercises that can be done is Easy Vigour which even though it looks like a page or something else, if you go down it talks about the exercises and there are links to get to them for more detail. Another reason why I think this web page is useful is because it explains the positions and exercises with easy language that no matter if you haven't donw pilates before it can still help you.

One of the things that I think it needs better sources is under the "Principles" called "Mind over Matter" because it is not really supported. One of sources that I would use for this is Mind over Matter which talks about the importance of trying not to have any thought while doing pilates because this can interfere with the actual exercise and relaxation so I think this source supports better this area of the page.

As I said before, I think that an area that should be included in the wikipedia page about pilates is description about the actual positions and exercises. Not only this, but I would also include pictures like pictures from a class, pictures about the different positions and some extra pictures of other exercises of pilates that can be done with extra tools.

Machu Picchu: I thought this page has a good quality of information and I could not find anything that was wrong, even the dates and the names were correct. However, a section that I would include is how Machu Picchu is seen worldwide and what it means and how people from other cultures see it. I think that this is an interesting point of view to have included because it makes it more itneresting to see what the people think of it. A source that supports this kind of information is on Virtual Tourist where different opinions are posted and people can see what tourists thing of the place. Overall, I think that the page was well supported however, there is a page that I though it is interesting to add to the "Concerns of Tourists" section which is Saving Machu Picchu that I think is important to have in mind, and no matter how many sources are used there are not enough sources to emphasize the importance of preserving Machu Picchu in its best shape.

The page has a good amount of pictures, however I found a page with different links to different pictures of Machu Picchu that I though would be interesting to add which is Pictures of Places.

Chihuhuas: If i were to change something from this page I would change the fact that it says that these kind of dogs are known for their "moleras" (name given to a soft spot in their skull because this is not really true. There are known by their eyes and big ears and obviously small size but not really by their "moleras". A source that supports this is Chihuahuas: Small Pets, Big Heartswhich shows how their are known by their small size and how their fear nothing.

A section that I would add is more about their personalities. They talk about it but not really in depth and I think it is important to talk about this because this is one of the first things that people should reserch for before getting a dog or pet in general. A source that could help to expand this is Your Pourbread Puppy which talks about the Chihuahuas personalities and what things should people think about before getting one of these little dogs.

One of the areas that I thought was not well supported and that i would try to expand is under the "History and Clubs" section. I would include sources like The Chihuahua Club of America, The British Chihuahua Cluband the The Global Chihuahua Clubwhich gives more variety to this section and in this way people will be able to research what club they would like to join or to learn about because in the wikipedia page right now they do not really name besides the The American Kennel Club.

This page has a lot of pictures specially of different variety of Chihuahuas however, I would include this picture that shows Chihuahuas of different sizesso that people can have in mind that if they buy a Chihuahua is not always going to be really small which is important to have in mind.

Tennis: This page is really well done, with pictures of the court, the moves, how the scors are calculated, rules and it includes pictures for most of the things they talk about. Moreover, reading it I could not find nothing wrong, so I would not change anything nor correct anything. However, maybe as there is "The greatest male singles players of all times" I would include a section that would be names the same way but with women so "The greatest women singles players of all times" and the source that supports this is The Five Best Female Tennis Players of All time which shows who and why is it thought of them as the best of times women players.

As I said before, this page is really good, with good sources, good pictures and well supported with no corrections to be done so I would only include that section and I think that the page would be perfect, in my opinion.