Shades and Silver is a upcoming series of pre teen books, by author Riley Gates. It is supposed to air on August in 2014 under the first name Shades and Silver.


The series follows the life of Cassandra Steel, a popular teenage singer and actress who enrolls in Pinecrest Academy to fulfill her wishes of being a normal girl. Upon arrival, Cassandra realizes that escaping a life of fame isn't easy but with good friends by her side, she can complete anything. The rest of the series will be on Cassandra and the troubles that upcome with her best friend, Jazzie West and her archnemesis Silvia Amri.


Cassandra Steel- Cassandra is the main protaganist in the series. She is a young sunger and actress who wishes for her birthday to become an ordinary girl. To fulfill her wish, Cassandra's father enrolls her at Pinecrest Acdemy, a vorading school for girls.