User:Louie Barbosa/Comadre Fulozinha

A modern draft of Comadre Fulozinha, a pale entity with long, black hair.

Comadre Fulozinha is an entity of brazillian mithology, native from Brazillian Northeastern region, being a very popular myth, specially in the Sertão (Northeastern countryside). She is frequently mistaken with the Caipora entity, being both considered a variation of the very same legend, and are even considered the same entity in some places.

Comadre may scare off those who ride through the forest while on horses without leaving an offering. If so, she'll get to make knots on both the animal's tail and hair, in a way no one's able to untie.

Stories told by the ancient of the countryside state that sometimes, horses would have their tails all tied up by the morning while they spent the night in the stable. In some regions, she is mostly known as an entity who protects the forest and it's creatures. Nowadays, are still common the stories of people who witness her sightnings within the forest.

Cordel engravure of Comadre Fulozinha holding an Urtica vine next to a vaquero and a dog, In a Sertão region.

[[Category:Brazillian Folklore]] [[Category:Brazillian Urban Legends]]