Lorii Myers - Award Winning Author

An empowered employee-turned-entrepreneur, Myers has more than three decades of business experience that encompasses a wide variety of career challenges, including senior manager, controller, business owner, and award winning author. With belief that the right attitude is everything, she believes you should aspire to learn from those who inspire you. She was careful to choose her early employment opportunities well by working for entrepreneurial companies that were owned or managed by formidable entrepreneurs.

In her early thirties, Myers left the security of employment to fulfill her own sense of entrepreneurial flair.

Myers is the author of 3 off the Tee: Targeting Success, the first entry into the 3 Off the Tee series, 3 Off the Tee: Make it Happen and 3 Off the Tee: No Excuses and currently resides north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

25 Time Award Winning Author - May 22, 2013.