
Cecidimus is the name of the contingent of kingdoms that occupy the European continent after the Technologica. there are distinct regions that are represented on the grand council

Monarchy, royal council
• Estimate
~10 000 000

and are recognized as part of Cecidimus; the Middle Kingdom, the Summer lands, the Valleys of Ice, the Eastern Kingdoms and the Expanse. also part of the continent but not recognized by the other kingdoms are the

The mages of Cecidimus
name colour duty
Wizard/witch green w/ yellow accents licensed practitioners of magic who completed schooling.

anyone who is eligible may wear this jacket regardless of

their profession

His Majesty's

Royal Mage Corps

Gold w/ purple highlights protecting the King/Queen and the royal family by utilizing


Royal Ranger Corp Green mixture w/ yellow highlights Exploring, mapping and expanding the furthest reaches

of Cecidimus

Warlocks Grey w/ black highlights warriors that defend the borders (and interests) of

Cecidimus and fighting its wars

inquisitor Brown w/ yellow highlights researcher who study and preserve the history of the land
necromancer Black w/white highlights