Hello i am Natasha E Hopkins but call me Nat when you are talking to me and I am a major movie nerd i enjoy watching the movies over and over again and i also like to read books i live in the us not going to say which state because you never who be stalking you and i enjoy listening to music all the time and i can't live without it like i need in my life i am some what a member of the creepypasta group and they are not that bad once you know their background and why they are the way they are and i enjoy being around them me and LJ have a thing as well as JTK and EJ but i won't bore you guys with that, i wont say my age but i will say that my fav color is red, black, blue, and green i am alot nicer when i text, than how i am at my school, there are a bunch of jerks here and i would like to find someone nice but i wont oh well, i dont like anyone at my school if you was wondering well maybe like 2 but that is it