User:Lithoderm/List of William Blake's Illustrations of Milton

  • 1780: Satan, Sin, and Death, and other early drawings
  • 1790-92: Several sketches of illustrations to Paradise Lost
  • 1801: Illustrations to “Comus”, the Thomas set
  • 1807: Illustrations to “Paradise Lost”, the Thomas set
  • 1808: Illustrations to “Paradise Lost”, the Butts set
  • 1809: Illustrations to “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity", the Thomas set
  • 1815: Illustrations to “Comus”, the Butts set
  • 1815: Illustrations to “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity", the Butts set
  • c. 1816-20: Illustrations to "L'Allegro" and "Il Penseroso", commissioned by Butts
  • c. 1816-25: Illustrations to “Paradise Regained”, commissioned by either Butts or Linell
  • 1822: Illustrations to “Paradise Lost”, the Linell set

Illustrations to Comus

Thomas set Butts set Title Notes
    Comus with His Revellers
    Comus, Disguised as a Rustic,
Addresses the Lady in the Wood
    The Brothers Seen by
Comus Plucking Grapes
    The Brothers Meet the
Attendant Spirit in the Wood
    The Magic Banquet with
the Lady Spell-Bound
    The Brothers Driving Out Comus
    Sabrina Disenchanting the Lady
    The Lady Restored to Her Parents

Illustrations to Paradise Lost

Thomas set Butts set Linell set Title Notes
    Satan Arousing the Rebel Angels
    Satan, Sin, and Death:
Satan Comes to the Gates of Hell
    Christ offers to Redeem Man
  Satan Spying on Adam and Eve's Descent into Paradise
      Satan Watching the Endearments of Adam and Eve
  Adam and Eve Asleep
    Raphael Warns Adam and Eve
    The Rout of the Rebel Angels
      The Creation of Eve
    The Temptation and Fall of Eve
    The Judgment of Adam and Eve: "So Judged He Man
      Michael Foretells the Crucifixion
    The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden

Illustrations to On the Morning of Christ's Nativity

Thomas set Butts set Title Notes
    The Descent of Peace
    The Annunciation to the Shepherds
    The Old Dragon
    The Overthrow of Apollo and the Pagan Gods
    The Flight of Moloch
    The Night of Peace

Illustrations to Il Penseroso and L'Allegro

Painting Title Notes
  Night Startled by the Lark
  The Sun at His Eastern Gate
  A Sunshine Holiday
  The Goblin
  The Youthful Poet's Dream
  The Wandering Moon
  The Spirit of Plato
  The Sun in His Wrath
  Milton's Mysterious Dream
  Milton in His Old Age

Illustrations to Paradise Regained

Painting Title Notes
  The Baptism of Christ
  The First Temptation
  Andrew and Simon Peter
Searching for Christ
  Mary at Her Distaff
Watched Over by Two Angels
  Satan in Council
  Christ Refusing the Banquet
Offered by Satan
  The Second Temptation
  Christ's Troubled Dream
  Morning Chasing Away
the Phantoms
  The Third Temptation
  Christ Ministered to by Angels
  Christ Returns to His Mother

Miscellaneous sketches, tempera paintings and prints

Work Title Notes
  Portrait of John Milton
  Sketch for Satan Watching the Endearments of Adam and Eve
  Satan Calling up his legions
  Satan Calling up his legions,
detail of bottom right
  The Book of Urizen, copy G (printed 1818), plate 9.
  Mirth, engraving, second state
  Satan Exulting over Eve
100px Fire:That end in endless strife
100px The House of Death
100px Mirth, engraving, first state
100px The Temptation of Bread alternate design
100px The Angel of the Divine Presence with Adam and Eve


  • Butlin, Martin. The Paintings and Drawings of William Blake. 2 vols. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1981.