linde respect lidovho was born early in 1990's.his real name is lindelani laurence lidovho.he grow up in very unaccepted situation,but that does'nt even make sense because he is a go getter.what ever he need he make's sure that he get it."LOVE GOD".love god is the slogen that he gives him self when he was trying to hide from lust."i am linde respect lidovho i grow up as any normal child but what differentiate me from any other kids is i have a dream,my dream is over the limit no one can even take me serious if i can tell them my dreams.but i'm already share it whith my God".He is a soccer player,designer,artist,but those are not his career,he was wanted to be radio broadcaster or radio Dj but his family denied cause he was so intelagent in electronics and they desided that he must choose electrical engineering career,He developed young artist like Top skiper,njinga,dalast,maq,bobe,chiz boi,bbc group,and He started with THE NEW GENERATION career where he features new coming rapers,musicians,dancers and singers.

Category:Best Party politicians Category:The Be Good Tanyas albums Category:Every Little Thing songs