Birth Name: Karl Lee Windridge

Nicknames: Jester - The Magic Jester - The Lone Ghost Hunter - Clacker - The Leicestershire Jester

Place Of Birth: Burton On Trent, Staffordshire

Date Of Birth: 19th May 1977

Children: Lewis - Mazie - Shay


ʘʘʘ Jesters Facebook Fan Pages ʘʘʘ

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The Official Lone Ghost Hunter Facebook Fan Page

Spooked Productions UK Facebook Fan Page

Jesters Official Website: Jesters Official Website

ʘʘʘ News Section ʘʘʘ May 2011 The Lone Ghost Hunter Graveyard Mayhem! Coming Soon, this is where Jester Investigates 10 different Graveyards all in one night.

Jester is looking at starting his own Radio Show based purely on the Paranormal, this is a maybe though.

ʘʘʘ Karl's Early Years ʘʘʘ In 1992 aged 15 Karl had many interests like any other person, one being an interest in UFO's, he had read many books on UFO's and decided to take this to the next level, this becoming a UFO Investigator and joining many UFO Clubs around the UK, one being called T.U.S. (The Unexplained Society), Karl did a few UFO cases but over the period of time doing this he come to realise his main passion was The World Of The Paranormal, he decided to quit being a UFO Investigator and focus his mind on just that.

Karl become very keen and very interested in the World Of The Paranormal, this included reading books, watching Documentary's related to The World Of The Paranormal, then in 1993 he took his interest of actually researching the World Of The Paranormal to his local library in Tamworth, Staffordshire.

His research was based on many Haunted locations in and around England, he found so many great locations that he would like to go to with a team of Paranormal Investigators, then he eventually joined a team called B.S.U. (British Society Of The Unexplained) Karl visited many amazing locations with this great team. His first ever Paranormal Investigation was with the B.S.U. at Bradgate Park, Leicester, another one he did with B.S.U. was at Tamworth Castle, the B.S.U. taught Karl many things but eventually Karl decided to leave the B.S.U. to further his research into the Paranormal.

Karl set his mind on many things Paranormal related and did many many Paranormal Investigations with other teams over the years helping them along the way, also becoming friends with one of the UK's most famous and respected Paranormal Investigators Mr Peter Underwood, Karl also investigated places such as, Derby Gaol, Derby,

Alvecote Priory, Tamworth,

Grace Dieu Priory, Leicestershire,

The Ancient Ram Inn, Wotton Under Edge,

The Galleries Of Justice, Nottingham,

The Moat House, Tamworth,

The Salutation Inn, Nottingham,

The great Central Railway, Leicestershire,

Rothley Station, Leicestershire plus many more haunted locations.

ʘʘʘ A Great Paranormal Career ʘʘʘ Karl has now been a Paranormal Investigator for almost 16 years, though a while back has kept a lot of years quite for own reasons, but has decided to be open about the length of time that he has been a Paranormal Investigator. Karl has met so many lovely people over the years, becoming friends with UK Medium Colin fry, UK Medium Tony Stockwell, best friends Dave Cable, Kieron Butler, Mel West and Al Bartlett, he has met many other good friends through working within the Paranormal World too.

In 2006 UK Medium Tony Stockwell called Karl up at his home to ask him to help him out at his Psychic Workshop in Essex, and give a talk on the Paranormal, Karl happily went and helped Tony Stockwell out, it was a very good event that night, Karl also wants to thank Nick French for coming along with him, Nick also gave a talk on the Paranormal.

Karl finds working within the Paranormal World very beneficial as he has helped many people start up their own Paranormal Investigation Teams, given advice to people who are wanting to get into the deeper scientific side of Paranormal Research, and also helped guide people into the right direction of Mediumship.

Karl is also a Psychic Medium and has been since 2005, focussing his Mediumship around Trance Mediumship. Many people have supported Karl in doing his Trance Mediumship, people such as Dave Cable, Kieron Butler and Al Bartlett have all witnessed Karl going into Trance and the correct information that he came up with while being in Trance, though Karl always calls himself a Sceptical Medium because he tends to think they could be a strong explanation as to why people get so much correct information while doing any kind of Mediumship, but this does not mean it is fake.

Karl encountered so many Sceptics while doing Mediumship, though he respects Sceptics and their views he has come across some Sceptics who in his opinion were very unprofessional and tend to take things to a personal level of degrading a person who does Mediumship, Karl has also said these people really don't know any better than to sit in front of their PC's putting people down and disrespecting people rather than giving a grown up and professional Sceptical opinion its not only nasty but uncalled for, what they say really does not bother people and certainly does not bother me, if they haven't got anything good or professional to say about someone who has a passion for the Paranormal then don't say anything at all or keep it to yourself.

Karl and Dave Cable used to run a well known and respected Paranormal Investigation Team known as U.K.P.S. (UK Paranormal Study) they along with other Team Members did so many Paranormal Investigations, and had so much success on some Investigations that they did, it was simply the best. Saddly Karl left the U.K.P.S. for personal reasons to take a few weeks break, by which time Karl and Dave decided to close down the Team as they had other Paranormal Related work etc to attend to and simply didn't have the time for the U.K.P.S. to be an active Team, fans of the U.K.P.S. Team were very shocked to hear of this, but they would still hear from Dave and Karl in the future.

During the time of being in the U.K.P.S. the Team filmed an Investigation for a Paranormal Magazine the U.K.P.S. was the only team to feature on a covermount DVD for the original Paranormal Magazine (The dvd circulated 250,000 copies worldwide) and the Investigation was held at St James Theatre, Long Eaton) it was also a split release with Antix Productions & Most Haunted. The U.K.P.S. Team had caught a great deal of interesting footage for this filming, but to their shock only a small amount of footage was shown on the DVD, and the good footage to their surprise was not put into the DVD, this was a total waist of the U.K.P.S. Teams time and effort they was not impressed.

Amongst other things before the U.K.P.S. was born Karl helped film a program based on the Paranormal for BRAVO called Video Vigilanties, Karl invited another Team to come along with him on this filming to help get them and their Team known out there in the Paranormal World, a few years later Karl gave an interview on the Paranormal for Eye Radio, BBC Leicester and many other Radio Stations across the UK.

In 2009 Karl and Dave Cable did a 2 Crazy Charity Ghost Hunt, involving just the two of them, they raised over £100 for When You Wish Upon A Star, Charity For Sick Children, it was a great night and we would both like to thank all at The great Central Railway, Leicestershire for allowing us to do this event at their lovely location.

ʘʘʘ The Lone Ghost Hunter "©" ʘʘʘ In 2010 Karl decided to take his passion for the Paranormal to the next level by going on Paranormal Investigations ALONE!! this would make good viewing for his fans out there, and would show how crazy he actually is when putting himself to the biggest test of all.

Karl has filmed 4 episodes of The Lone Ghost Hunter Series, Episode 1 - The Great Central Railway, Loughborough Episode 2 - All Saints Church Priory, Loughborough, Episode 3 - Hopwas Woods, Tamworth, Episode 4 - St Marys Church, Hinckley

Karl has so many amazing locations to film future Episodes at and is really looking forward to being there. Karl does ask if your home is haunted or you know somewhere that you would like Karl to film an Episode of The Lone Ghost Hunter then please email him on He will be more than happy to help out in any way possible. You can also go to Karls The Official Lone Ghost Hunter Facebook Fan Page to keep updated on what projects Karl is filming and when.

ʘʘʘ Spooked Productions UK "©" ʘʘʘ At the end of 2010 Karl decided to start up his own Production Team calling it Spooked Productions UK, Karl and Team Members scientifically try to prove if the Paranormal exists or not, gathering all kinds of Paranormal related information and putting it on their Facebook Fan Page to share with people out there.

♠♣ Magic And Comedy ♥♦ Karl has always loved being a Comical person and also has a passion for Magic, he has performed Magic for friends and family over the few years of being a Magician and loves it, though adding fun and laughter into his work never goes a miss. When Karl was looking for advice on becoming a Magician in 2007 he contacted Uri Geller, Uri gave Karl some good advice and Karl and Uri soon become friends, Karl later became known as The Magic Jester.

Karl started filming some stupidly put together videos of himself acting the fool some of you may have seen these, but whenever he gets a crazy idea in his head you can be assured Karl will be filming it for you to watch, he also does his own Phony Phone Calls where he calls up Taxi companies, Fast Food Take Aways etc prank calling them in any way he can, you can listen to some of them on his Phony Phone Calls Website. (Warning - There Is Some Strong Language)

You can be assured Karl will always make you laugh, you will not known what crazy stuff he will come up with next.

ʘʘʘ Personal Life ʘʘʘ Karl is a proud Father of three, Lewis, Mazie and Shay, he loves his kids with all his heart and would walk a million miles for them, no one has ever been able to fault Karl as a parent, as Lewis and Mazie are not his biological Children Karl has helped to bring them up and has always treated them both as his own, they also look up to him as their Father, as for Shay he is Karls biological Son a little Jester in the making. Karl now lives in Sileby in Loughborough, and though Karl has some health problems he is living a very happy life and looks forward to meeting you one day in the future.

ʘʘʘ A Very Warm Thank You ʘʘʘ Karl wants to thank his best friends, Dave Cable, Kieron Butler, Mel West and Al Bartlett for everything over the years, they are like brothers than best friends and would be lost without them, we have all gone through so many good and bad times but have always been there for each other and always will be, as you know i will always support you in anything you do in life and know you will always do the same for me, thanks guys your the best. Thank you. x

The Magic Jester, Spooked Productions UK and The Lone Ghost Hunter Are © Copyrighted Names Of Karl Jester Windridge.

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