Peter Ty Harrington

Ty Harrington is the byline for Peter Tyrus Harrington foremost an author, writer and photographer, and catastrophic emergency manager, currently president emeritus of Harrington Communications, formerly of National Geographic Editorial Staff and the US Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency:

    After forty years around the globe; as an author, writer and photographer with National Geographic Magazine, on to Federal Service in Emergency Management, and working in the private sector to enhance the position in the marketplace, and in public policy, of worthwhile organizations -- ranging from Fortune 500 companies, to regional projects -- bringing new products and advanced methods to the International arena: he remains highly motivated by all he still has to discern as well as all he has to impart, always with joy for the successes of others.

His specialties over the past thirty five years have included Global Exploration, Catastrophic Emergency Management, Writing, Photography, Public Relations, Public Affairs, Marketing, Red Team and Security Investigations, Chief of Staff, Reports Officer, author and public servant. He has extensive field experience throughout all fifty US states, Philippine Islands, South Asia, Amazon and North Polar regions.

As a Sailor, explorer and emergency manager Ty Harrington has documented his life in words and pictures. After serving as the chief cook and steward of the Schooner Bill of Rights he was looking for a job cooking on a research boat to the Galapagos Islands National Geographic offered him a staff job and three months later he was in the Brazilian Amazon making first contacts with Stone Age Indians. Later he rode freight trains across the warp and woof of America, then mountain bike across India, went to the North Pole not with an expedition, but over-the ice with two Thule Eskimo hunters, a grant from George Soros sent Harrington to the far reaches of the Soviet Empire during the last days of the cold war to report about the conditions of tribal peoples of the USSR and then the same of America's Indians. In the early 1980's Ty Harrington was recruited by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a reserve reports officer and as a reserve disaster public affairs officer and beginning in 1983 Harrington was deployed to both Washington, DC and numerous field operations to provide federal coordination and assistance to the contiguous US, Alaska, Hawaii, territories, such as Guam, US Saipan and the US Virgin Islands, and treaty protectorates such as the Federated States of Micronesia.

Expeditions: In recent days just before satellite and cell phones and gps, Harrington experienced and documented perhaps the last of an era of hardcore exploration of our planet engaging peoples everywhere tucked away as though to visit them required time travel as they had had little or no contact with the outside world for thousands of years. His expeditions include hiking sponsored by the Indonesian government, into Beleum Valley in the interior of Irian Jaya on the island of New Guinea with a local tribal chief's son as a guide so as not to befall the same fate as Michael Rockefeller who traveling in the same region eighty years ago was lost with a German guide, and another expedition was to visit the people's across the torso of India from Bangalore to Mangalore on a mountain bike and then take the bike to a world-record at the time of over 18,000 feet in the Himalayas from Deli to the highest, most remote Bhudist monasteries above Ladoc, then unspoiled by intrusion for hundreds of years the way of life was unchanged unlike the rest of the world's Bhuddist communities. Harrington was sent by the National Enquirer to live the life of an Eskimo in the northern-most villages of the arctic and with the Greenand villages of Quaanak and Siorapaluk as his base, he traveled not with an expedition, but by lone dogsled and two Thule Eskimos north by north living off the ice, through what the US Airforce manning the DEW line out of Sondrestrom Fiord catagorizes as "Phase-3" conditions, which is basically when a person can no longer see their hand stretched out in front of them due to ice blowing in the wind, the thermometer dropping to minus sixty degrees F. But, Harrington's exploration into rarified environs and people has not always been in as exotic places, as when he became the only outsider to ever witness the inner workings of how a Big Three credit rating agency determines the global market by being allowed to stay in the conference room after an interview he was doing for GE Capital and what convened was a rating session on the rating of McDonnell Douglas Corporation in which Harrington was privy to the very impressive process whereby they considered both objective and subjective information both financial and humanistic in a very thorough manner. Not long after Harrington received a letter from Moody's that will be added to this page that confirmed he was "the fist outsider to ever witness the drama of a credit rating session" and asked for his discretion in order to protect the process and since Harrington's assignment had to do with GE Capital and Commercial Paper and nothing to do with the ratings process, Harrington has so far never revealed the details of the unique and so influential to the worlds financial markets process he witnessed. In addition to his own projects, Ty Harrington has traveled with others of his last generation of time travelers to go back and see the world as it was, among them Wolf Jesco Von Puttkamer who has been named by the UN to be the foremost visual anthropologists documenting the emergence of the Amazonian Indians from the Stone Age way of life they had been practicing for centuries* and harrington made several expeditions by bush plane, canoe and on foot into jungle too far from the nearest civilization for radio communication out to visit newly contacted tribes such as the Cabasa Seca and Cinta Larga, together with Apoena Merrilis the son of a Xyvante tribal princess and a Noble Peace Prize nominee Francisco Merrillis. Already when Ty was with him, Apoena was a legend throughout Brazil that he could catch arrows with his hands and he rose to be the president of the Brazilian government Indian agency, the FUNAI but was assasinated in 1995 at an ATM machine in Manaus. Harrington also sailed across the Atlantic with renown Chief of National Geographic's Foreign Editorial staff Luis Marden who had discovered the wreck of the Bounty and invented the aqua lung with Jaques Cousteau , had his own private wine cellar at the Ritz in Paris and on this journey Harrington was aboard with a small crew including Marden of eight, including Marden's wife, the vessel named the Bounty II, was the maiden voyage of a newly fabricated closed cell fiberglass 38 foot ocean rigged ketch, Marden's wife was navigating and with calculations off by a mere 60 miles all the way across, it was enough to strike a reef off Cuba instead of Key West and the boat sunk with crew and captain rescued by the Cuban Coast Guard, but when they recalculated, Marden realized and has since been credited with discovering a perhaps better theory of how Columbus sailed to the New World , please see Wikipedea's page on Luis Marden for further details.

  • NOTE: Centuries is used because it may have been, now that we now know more that they were stone age recently but had a millennium ago been a far more advanced civilization that had fallen apart, or they may have been stone age all the way back to the discovery of fire.

Among his professional broadcast media appearances Ty Harrington was interviewed on CSpan during his tenure as the executive officer for the Hurricane Andrew's federal response and recovery operations in Florida:

Ty Harrington's writings and photography can be found on the web including articles relating to above experiences like North Pole By Dogsled available in the Chicago Tribune archives and his books here on Amazon:

The Sailing Chef is about Ty Harrington's experiences as an ocean cook including how to cook on a boat and recipes he gathered from cooks aboard the many other vessels he came into contact with across the seven seas.

The Last Cathedral is about the building of the National Cathedral on the highest point overlooking all of Washington, DC which has become a moral lighthouse for the nation. This is the story of the craftspeople who build this church wholly funded by gifts from private individuals of all faiths with no money from government nor from any organized religion, and services have regularly been held there for any faith in need of a chapel to hold services. They worked for over 80 years to build the tenth largest cathedral in the world without any structural steel and built a building the Nationa Bureau of Standards says will stand without maintenance for 2000 years. The built a resting place for presidents and humanitarians, carved the stories of America into it's walls, and wax murals made with lost techniques from Europe along with the last of the Gothic metalwork, huge grills with gates built on a blacksmiths forge from wrought iron with the look of silver, mosaics, entire room tiles so that entering the chapel feels like stepping inside a bejeweled box of precious stones. The stained glass changes with prisms throughout the day to the celestial voice of the largest of cathedral organs with pipes incorporated directly into the walls, and above there sounds both one of the worlds largest carillons with over 100-tons of bells and a full set of change bells whose full peal lasts eight hours and warning must be given first lest the good people of Washington, DC think it is signaling a national warning.

Maine, Our Northern-most State; America the Beautiful Series. They asked Harrington to write books on several states for their best selling series. But with limited time only for one, he picked his favorite, the first place the sun rises in the United States, the magnificent state of Maine! And one thing about Maine, the best thing, is that it is just as unspoiled in the land and the character of it's people as it was when Harrington canoed the rivers and rode the tides of it's rockiest coast and the book has the same timeless quality. It's a relaxed living history, good to read to school children, or as a primer before traveling there. Folks who live there say they like it too.

Never Too Old is a result of Ty Harrington and his mother Geri getting together to put together a handbook for training a caregiver to care for her parents in their 90's, and going on to provide a guidebook for do-it-yourself adults to dispel myths and enjoy life with confidence themselves. Envisioned for self-help or as a gift Never Too Old is a simple large-format soft-cover handbook for both the ideology and practice of an over-fifty adult; with nuts and bolts, like the truth about cholesterol, real estate, health insurance, nutrition and lots of advice about travel far and near.

Books by Ty Harrington:

The sailing chef [Published by Walker, NY 1978] by Ty Harrington Text & Photographs Hardcover

The Last Cathedral [Published by Prentice Hall, Apr 1983] by Ty Harrington Text & Photographs Hardcover 5 out of 5

Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature and Society in Transition (Jaguar Books on Latin America)May 1, 2001 Edited by Susan E. Place. Ty Harrington wrote the chapter on Ecotourism' Impact on the Pantenal. Paperback Hardcover 5 out of 5 stars

Maine (America the Beautiful) [Published by Children's Books, Chicago Oct 1988] by Ty Harrington Library Binding

Never too old [Published by NY Times Books 1981] by Ty Harrington and his mother Geri Harrington Paperback

The Craftsman IN America [National Geographic Books, Washington, D.C. 1976 Textile Chapter Hardcover

Growing Chinese Vegetables in Your Own Backyard: A Complete Planting Guide for 40 Vegetables and Herbs, from Bok Choy and…Mar 18, 2009 by Geri Harrington edited by Ty Harrington Kindle Edition Hardcover

Real Food, Fake Food, and Everything in Between: The Only Consumer's Guide to Modern FoodJun 1987 by Geri Harrington and Ty Harrington Hardcover

The College Cookbook: An Alternative to the Meal PlanJan 8, 1988 by Geri Harrington edited by Ty Harrington Paperback

The wood-burning stove book1977 by Geri Harrington edited by Ty Harrington Hardcover

Grow Your Own Chinese Vegetables1978 by Geri Harrington edited by Ty Harrington Hardcover

The new college cookbook1982 by Geri Harrington edited by Ty Harrington Paperback

Growing Chinese Vegetables in Your Own Backyard by Geri Harrington (2009-08-02)1768 by Geri Harrington edited by Ty Harrington Paperback

The College Cookbook: An Alternative to the Meal Plan by Geri Harrington (1988-01-08)1866 by Geri Harrington Paperback

Jackie Joyner-Kersee (Grt Ach) (Z) (Great Achievers: Lives of the Physically Challenged) by Geri Harrington (1995-04-01)1656 by Geri Harrington edited by Ty Harrington Library Binding