Ben Schot (Zierikzee, The Netherlands, November 15 1953) is a Dutch artist, writer, and publisher. Apart from that he organises exhibitions and projects, usually in collaboration with art institutes.

From 1981 to 1986 Schot was trained as an artist at the art schools of Rotterdam and The Hague, The Netherlands. His activities cover various disciplines and techniques: drawings, audio and video works, installation art, and performances. As a writer Schot reguarly publishes articles and fiction in various magazines. In 2000 founded his publishing house Sea Urchin Editions which publishes works from the avant-garde and counterculture, such as works by Henri Michaux, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Serge Gainsbourg, Vivian Stanshall, and Andre Breton.

Some of the projects organised by Schot are Oulipo (1997) about the French literary movement of the same name, Shells (1997), a project on the museum as an institute at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Rotterdam, Submerge (1997) on the films of surrealist-biologist Jean Painleve, Towers Open Fire (1998) on the films of William Burroughs, and I rip you, you rip me (1998, in collaboration with Ronald Cornelissen) on the radical and psychedelic counterculture of Detroit in the late sixties, early seventies. in 2006 Schot put together an exhibition of material from the archives of the Dutch underground press Cold Turkey Press for the Historical Museum of Rotterdam.


  • Benjamin Jakobson
  • H.W. Kleppe
  • Teresa di Vicenzo
  • The Buggers