Hello Internet! My name is Lee Zhi Wei, I am currently living in Singapore! I am currently a student studying about Computers (specifically IT). Below are some fun facts about me!

  • I got into the world of IT at a young age! (Like 5 y.o). Basically got a IBM Thinkpad T43
  • My first actual laptop (housed at my grandma house) is a Dell Latitude D620 with 1GB of DDR2.
  • I got stuck in Linux's terminal as a 6-year old, once I started messing with Live-USBs and Debian did not detect my Wi-Fi adapter, whoops. That's how I learnt Linux commands.
  • I am capable of using some cyber-security tools, I'm interested in CTFs and I do use stuff like aircrack-ng to capture some packets, sqlmap for some SQL injections.
  • So far I am quite good at Python and C# (.NET 6 and up) with Top-Level Statements.