Laymau Mason

Laymau Mason is a 15 year old female voice actress. She mostly plays in animes and goes by the name Christina while recording. She is 4'10 As a little girl born in Japan on February 14th, she had a dream to escape realities with the beauty within Japan. Voice acting caught her attention. She took action and started her young career. Her 8 brothers has also helped out with this. She has many online friends yet they don't know about her acting. She one day wants to show the world that they can truly be whatever they want to be. She now goes by the name "Miyuki Shiba" dealt from the girls innocence, kindness, love, and care. She has the character traits of a snow bunny indeed. She is now hoping to become a singer like her mother's side of the family. Her name Laymau came from being birthed In Japan to have a "Asian" touch to it. Layla + Mau. She has claimed her new character she voices as is in black hair. Also, she has a passion with her brothers. They play and get along so perfectly. Not only that, they live together! The mysteries of Laymau Mason is unlimited