Dr. PV Laxmi Prasad

Dr. P.V. Laxmiprasad is an outstanding academician, researcher, literary critic, editor and author. He hails from Karimnagar,Telangana, India. In the literary career spanning more than two decades, he has published more than 42 critical and creative books to his credit. Further he has published 75 research papers, 55 book reviews, and 120 poems in English. He has translated a few poems and stories into English. He has published books half a dozen books in the USA. All his books have been taken over by the World Congress of Library,the USA. His research papers have been preserved by Harvard University Library. His books are available on Amazon.in and Amazon.com. Google Scholar and Research Gate cited his papers and reviews. He has been actively engaged in research. He has a couple of Patents to his credit. He has to his credit a couple of publications in UGC CARE Enlisted journals. He has a passion for music.

PV Laxmiprasad has contributed immensely to Indian Writing in English. He has promoted Indian Culture by way of works on Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Hindu Philosophy, Thiruvalluar's Kural, Tagur's Geethanjali, Jiddu Krishnamurthy's Quotes, Partition Fiction, Indian story Historical Fiction and the representation of Indian Women in Literature and Society. He has also published extensively on Indian English Poetry, Fiction Short Story and Drama. He has also reviewed some 55 books so far. His area of interest is Criticism. He is on the Editorial Board of several journals. He is the review Editor of an American Journal. He is consistent in his publishing world. All his books are available on Amazon .in & Amazon.com. Book reviews have been published on his books. A few of his books have been taken by World Library. Harvard Library preserved a few of his papers on its network base.

       P.V.Laxmiprasad   Books : 42

I: Authored Books (Literary Criticism)

1.      Telugu Short Story from Telangana: A Critical Evaluation of Pre-Independence Writers, Authorspress, New Delhi, 2022.

2.      Perspectives on Mizo Culture: A Critical Study of Laltluangliana Khiangte’s Folktales of Mizoram, Academica Press, Washington-London, 2022.

3.      The Mirror and the Light: Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English (Aadi Publications, Jaipur, India. 2021)

4.     Swami Paramananda’s The Upanishads: A Study of Eternal Sparks: HSRA Publishers, Bangalore, India. 2021.

5.     S. Radhakrishnan’s The Hindu View of Life: A Study of Cultural Touchstones. The Impish Lass Publishing House, Mumbai.2021.

6.     Tagore as Philosophical Voyager: A Critical Study of Gitanjali. Academica Press, Washington, USA.2021.

7.     Quotes Quotable: Critical Responses to JidduKrishnamurti’s Quotes, Authorspress, New Delhi, 2021.

8.      Thiruvalluar’s Kural: A Scholarly Review. HSRA Press, Bengaluru, 2021

9.     Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet: A Study of Philosophic Profundities. Authors Press, New Delhi. 2021

10.  The Philosophy of Bhagavadgita. Books clinic Publishing, Bilaspur, 2021.

11.  The Holocaust of Partition: A Study of Saadat Hasan Manto’s Mottled Dawn, Authors Press, New Delhi, 2021.

12. The Quintessence of Quotes and Speeches: A Study of Swami Vivekananda’s Thoughts to Inspire and 25 Greatest Speeches, Nitya Publications, Bhopal, India, 2021.

13.  Mahasweta Devi’s The Queen of Jhansi –A Subaltern Study –HSRA Press, Bengaluru 2021.

14. Sita –Living Indian Psyche : A Critical Study of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Forest of Enchantments, Nitya Publications, Bhopal, 2021

15.  Contextualizing Woman and Her Struggles: A Critical Study of Indira Goswami’s Five Novellas about Women, Book River Press, India, 2021.

16. Rewriting Indian History: Colonial Encounters in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Last Queen and BasavarajNaikar’s The Queen of Kittur, Academica Press, Washington, USA, 2021.

17.  The Artist and the Artistry: Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English ( BFC Publications, Lucknow, 2020)

18.  Indian Images in the Select Novels of Paul Scott, Authorspress, New Delhi, 2018.

19.  The Philosophical Muse:                        Perspectives on the Poetry of K.V. Raghupa                                     APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2012

II: Edited Volumes (Criticism)


1.       Partition as Reception : A Critical Study of Indian Partition Literature in Translation Authors Press, New Delhi, 2023 ISBN : 978-93-5529-493-7

2.       The Representation of Women in Literature and Society: Authors Press, New Delhi, 2022.

3.       The Novels of Daya Dissanayake : Critical Expositions, Authors Press, New Delhi, 2022,

4.       Bridges across the Nation: The Vitality of Indian Literatures in English Translation, Authors Press, New Delhi, 2021.

5.       The Mirror and the Reflections : Interpreting Literatures through Literary Theories, Academica Press, Washington –London, 2020

6.       Contours of Shiv K Kumar’s Poetry: Relocation and Rediscovery. Authors Press New Delhi. 2019

7.       The Heterogeneity of Story Writing: A Critical Evaluation of Eight Indian Short Story writers in English, Authors Press, 2015.

8.       Critical Readings on the Fictional World of Manju Kapur, Aadi Publications, Jaipur, 2016.

9.       Living through Mahesh Dattani’s Plays, Authors Press, New Delhi, 2018.

10.      The Writings of Amitav Ghosh: Exploration of Multiple Worlds, Atlantic Publishers.

11.      Imprisonment as Creative Art: A Critical Study of Prison Writings, Authors Press, New Delhi, 2021,

12.     An Anthology of Criticism on Six Indian English Poets, Sarup Publications 2015, New Delhi

13.      Mapping Thematic Variations: The Poetry of DC Chambial, Authors Press 2015, New Delhi.

14.      The Spirit of Age and Ideas in the Novels of PCK Prem, Authors Press, New Delhi

15.     The Poetry of I. K. Sharma: New Tracks and Literary Swings, Authors Press, New Delhi,2017,

16.     Exploring New Horizons: Myriad Dimensions in the Poetry of ManasBakshi.Authors Press, New Delhi, 2017.

17.      The Nativist Vision of Life in the Works of BasavarajNaikar, Authors Press, New Delhi, 2018.

18.       The Poetry of T.V. Reddy: A Critical Study of Humanistic Concerns, MHP, Michigan, USA, 2018.

19.       Critical Spectrum: The Short Stories of P. Raja, Authorspress, New Delhi, 2018.

20.     The Poetry of Raama Chandramouli: Critical Perspectives. Reliance Publishing House, New Delhi. 2019.

21.     Introspective Voyager: A Collection of Critical Essays on the Poetry of K.V.Raghupathi, Authors Press, 2014. New Delhi.

Creative works


1.  From Epidemic to Pandemic: A Memoir of Covid-19.The Impish Lass Publishing House, Universal Witness - Poetry Collection in English, Thematics Publication, Latur, M.S. 2012.