La Venus del Mediterrani
Author Julio Antonio
Creation 1912
Ubication Venus Squre (Salou)
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Mediterranian Venus

Venus of Milo

Mediterranian Venus is a sculpture located in square Venus in the town of Salou (Tarragona), situated around a fountain where  in the top are a pedestal with her name. The sculptor was Julio Antonio. This work was a present to the council of Tarragona for the local governemnt of Salou. Julio Antonio worked for the council of Tarragona.

Mythology of the Venus


Venus is a roman goddess principally asociate with love and beauty.

Venus of Milo


This work have a similar appearance with the Venus of Milo for Botticelli, we can appreciate this in the imperfection of the arms. The author inspired in this work to honor her.



Julio Antonio is the artistic name of Antonio Rodríguez Hernández (Mora d’Ebre, February 6th 1889- Madrid February 15th 1919) was an Spanish sculptor.

Was a classic sculptor.


Mediterranian Venus in profile
  • Pietat
  • Dario
  • Autoretrat
  • El Poeta Lasso de la Vega
  • Androgin
  • Tarraco
  • Nena amb flors
  • La dona de la mantilla
  • Font dels despulllats

External links
