User:Laogeodritt/tpl/Work translate

Foreign-language Mirror
This page, Work translate, is merely a copy of the original page being translated for the English Wikipedia by Laogeodritt. It is placed here for convenience's sake along with any applicable notes in its translation. I would appreciate that you do not attempt to edit this page, but instead go to the original article.
The translated article can be found at [[{{{TITLE}}}]], and the original article at [[{{{ORIGINAL}}}]]. The article-in-progress on this userspace is located at [[User:Laogeodritt/Work/{{{TITLE}}}]].


 | title=page_title
 | original=source_article
 | lang=language
 | english=show_english_or_just_language_above

The title parameter indicates the title of the translated article. It can be left blank with little to no negative consequences if the WORK page's name and the real article's name are the same; otherwise, it is wise to include the title of the original article.

The original parameter indicates the internal link to the original foreign-language article. It should not include the brackets or piped link; for example, if the article was "Foo" on the French wikipedia, the string to include here would be :fr:foo, not fr:Foo nor :fr:Foo|Foo.

The lang parameter is to indicate what translation of the text should be shown. Currently, the only acceptable values are EN, FR and ES. By default, it is EN; its inclusion is optional.

The english parameter's values are only 1 or 0 (boolean; 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE). It determines whether or not the English version of this template's text is visible; it will not affect anything if the parameter lang is set to EN or is not given. It is otherwise optional (and will display as TRUE if unset).

Note: by default will show English only. If another language is specified, will show both English and language specified unless the "english" parameter is set to "0".
Supported languages: EN, FR, ES.