

The Manjinn are a fictional tribe that Inhabit the Mandakhi desert in the lands of Tartarus in Emil Smith's and Lakstein Fernandes's Fictional world "Ecumene".

They were a tribe that historically inhabited the desert mountain Wainaaden which was also a holy site for them. They were proud protectors of their heritage and religion. While some members of the tribe mined the salt-crystals of Mount Wainaaden, others made healing potions from spring water by the sacred flower. The Manjinn had a steady flow of caravans and traders, exporting salt and healing potions and importing food and weapon supplies. The most self-sacrificing Manjinn trained throughout their youth, and went through the cleansing ritual to become a Jijinn guardian.

The culture was divided hierarchically and the young answered to the elder. Yet all Manjinn were proud of their role in society and during the many various religious rituals and festivals all Manjinn mingled, celebrated, or fasted like equals. Women carried the infants in slings and children participated in chores from a young age and took care of their younger siblings.

The rich Manjinn lived in grand chilled caves, once used for mining, whilst the poor lived in tents and clay huts by the foot of Mount Wainaaden. The old distinguished chief of the tribe lived in a big cave, where all major decisions were made in the meeting hall with the counsel of the noble elder and the high priest of Jijo. From the chief’s cave the tribes only water source sprang, and it was the chief’s responsibility to distribute water five times a day through simple aqueducts, with the help of an elder demigod controlling the element of stone, lifting the heavy sluices to allow water to flow.