History about Laho village

Hoopa village has been inhabited by ancestors of the indigenous tribe. Such tribe name is NOCTE TRIBE came to settle in the area during 1500BC at the time of reign of the Ahom, (Hoo means high valley),( Paa means very old ) Ancestors keep their Village name as a Hoopa village, in present day Hoopa known in the name of Laho village which is one of the biggest village under Tirap District or Nocte tribe located 30 km away from the headquarter of Tirap District (Khonsa )

Our ancestor Mr Nyiaka Hakhun was one of the great warriors under the Hoopa village. He had killed various enemies in his life, during that period a person was praise among the villagers who can bring the enemies head and villagers start to celebrate in the name of great warrior. Making tattoo in the body of great warrior Mr Nyiaka hakhun was one of them who always bring enemies head and his body became full of tattoo. One day Mr.Nyiaka and his friend went to the SALA village in present day know as (Borduria) to buy salt. In evening both are return with happily but suddenly they met with few people who had weapon in their hand but they said we cannot harm and asked to both for rest together at road side, so they sat sharing paan with each other. Mr. Nyiaka was clever, so he did not trust them fully and notice their body expression, finally he knew they are aim to killed the both, he try to explain to his friend by gesture but his friend was foolish he doesn’t understand what will happen. Mr. Nyiaka hakhun was step ahead, unfortunately people sitting around killed his friend he left his salt bag and ran away, one of the enemies threw spear to him but his omen was good, he escaped from them. After few hours he reached Dadam village field, he was very tire thirsty, hungry running continuously he wanted to take rest. Were he saw people are engaging in agriculture activities in the field (Jhum cultivation) suddenly one woman saw him and started to shouts enemy..Enemy and villagers head her voiced then started to chase him to killed, so he jumped off into the waterfall, people thought that he might have dead but he was alive because even his leg and arms were not hurt against stone. 

He woke up by 11:30 pm move toward his village, while he had arrived nearby dadam village at that time he heard villagers were talking each other saying that tomorrow we will assault to the Hoopa village. Mr. Nyiaka reach his village around 1:30 am and he started to shouting about assault will happening in today morning but some of villagers said he going to be mad but he doesn’t stop shout, keep saying who wanted to stay alive will go away from village, some people believed him, so they left the village are saved and most people are killed by enemies. Mr. Nyiaka Hakhun took his filmily two times across the Tissa river but he left his father 1 km away from the Netong (NETONG is colony name in the Hoopa village) at beneath of bamboo plant (in present place Chiaku colony) his father was very old man age above 100years he could not walk by his own so he have no choice but to left, he gave all the precious thing to his father like necklace, cloths but his father refuse and said you must take all this precious thing what can I do with it ? (His father name was Mr. Phoati hakhun) Mr. Nyiaka hakhun replied if you stay alive I will came to took you with me and if killed by enemies I will pray for you but I cannot take single piece ,they will remember souvenir left by Mr. Nyiaka Hakhun. Next day he came back in chiaku where he left his father he doesn’t found his father but he saw full of blood because Mr. Phoati hakhun was killed by enemies, He pray Father Rest in peace and you must punished them those who killed you. Mr. Nyiaka hakhun and filmily resides in Sannua village almost Five years at that time Hoopa village was occupied by Dadam. They came and settle at 1km away from village (presently know as Thinhoo) Mr. Nyiaka Hakhun have a planed to revenge his enemies, he took 30 warrior from Sannua villagers and they went to the Thinhoo for attack Before reaching there they took rest at the place call (Lapkhen Thoak) Mr. Nyiaka hakhun said most of people of us have to stay here for ambush to enemies except me and one of you, people are shock to listen his planed but had no choice. They all are stay both side of the road for ambush. Mr. Nyiaka Hakhun and his friend went to the Thenhoo villager, there he saw enemies are settled at his own village etc.