COMPUTERS Computers in these days vary from older to more up-to-date such as (windows) 98, XP, vista, windows 7, and the latest in this period window 8. You can do a variety of task on all of these systems from business to personal use; in this paper I will compare the models of three different computers, dell, HP, and gateway from the prices power and also the reliability of these systems. A dell when we think of the reliability of a dell what are we really asking will this computer out last one brand are another however a dell is very reliable and has prices range from 250.00 to almost 2000.00. In 1996, Dell started marketing laptops by the use of their web site. In 2002, Dell made an effort to enlarge by hacking into the audiovisual aid and household attraction shops by means of the outline of TV’s, Dell Axim handhelds, and Dell deejay numerical acoustic troupes. Once Dell obtained Alien ware in the early 2006, a few Alien ware systems had AMD microchips. August 17, 2006 a(n) Dell announcement specified that preliminary in September, Dell component desktop processors would ensure AMD computers and that for along in the time period Dell would issue a(n) binary socket, quad-PC server via AMD Opteron microchips moving away as of Dells ritual of individual contribution Intel computers in Dell’s PC’s. However in my opinion there all worth the cost and the power of a dell I never complain I have one and I’m very satisfied with my section. HP’s they are just as reliable as a dell and hold up just as long however their prices are not as high a person is able to obtain a HP for about 200.00 to about 1750.00 I have had Dells and HP before and the power of them cannot compare the satisfaction that they both bring to households and businesses is over the top. When I bought my first HP I was very hard on computers I originally started using desktop for personal use to preform simple task like playing games on the system are downloading videos or music my entertainment use on a desktop was unlimited however as HP’s expanding their brand form desktops to laptops and now tablets the power of HP’s has almost surpassed dell in this industry. Gateway is a good household name however compared to Dell’s and HP’s I believe the brand does not stand up in this market some do however do purchase gateway computers and software however of a gateway is not very powerful or reliable from software to hardware for example gateways has errors software and when they crash a person has to send the whole system to the manufacture to be rebooted as far as price a person can purchase a gateway from 225.00 up to 1000.00 gateway is one of the brands you don`t hear about much mostly because of the problem associated with the manufacture and the reviews that people give regarding the products offered by this company gateway was one of the last companies to arise in the early 1900`s. In conclusion HP’s would be the one I would select overall HP set the stage for other companies to come along HP’s has had a good reputation the moment they came out with the first desktop in the 1930`s HP’s began working in a garage with only $538.00 U.S. dollars and only using a drill press to build systems in the year 1938 bill and Dave started their work together by tossing a coin and making a decision on the name and became partners. The company eventually got out the garage and obtained rented place in polo alto. When the 1940`s arose HP furnished all their employees with healthcare.