Wiki Activities


I am currently working on a section for the High Level Architecture and need help from actual experienced simulation professionals that have developed systems for Distributed Modeling and Simulation (DM&S). Many HLA pundits don’t understand that HLA is a closed architecture. In their minds the mere fact that there is an API between the simulation application and the RTI embellishes them with the authority to proclaim HLA is an interoperable mechanism. This has cost the global taxpayer millions and has stalled DM&S interoperability for a decade. The evidence is clear. Fewer HLA applications are making it to the national exercise level due to this issue. Why would anyone use HLA when it forces anyone who wishes to interoperate with your application to use the same RTI? There are much better ways using modern protocols to do this. Please help to establish this message and to fight those that aim to delete all messages to this effect. Our little industry needs the truth, not the lie that HLA is going to solve our interoperability problems.


  1. Don’t confuse speaking truth to power as speaking truth to ignorance.
  2. If you’re working on a closed system change jobs and seek help.