According to Ducks Unlimited 2017 Annual Report, 2017 marked the seventh consecutive year that the budget goals were surpassed, with total revenues approaching $224 million. Over 58,000 DU volunteers organized 4,050 events which attracted over 577,000 attendees. The $86 million of philanthropic revenue generated in 2017 surpassed that which was raised in 2016 by over $1.8 million from contributions by 5,000 donors and 700,000 members.

Ducks Unlimited included a list of new goals for 2018 in their annual report. In the upcoming year, the organization intends to:

  • Dedicate at least 80 cents of each dollar to conservation
  • Complete the ongoing Rescue Our Wetlands campaign by raising $2 billion by December 2018
  • Continue support for the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) as well as the conservation provisions in the upcoming Farm Bill