Personal Details


I am a 50 year old post graduate student and part time academic studying issues surrounding gender, feminism and queer theory. I'm also a trustee of a charitable organisation that works within the LGBTQ community in the UK.

My interests specifically lie in the expressions of unorthodox gender, both from an historical, contemporaneous and contemporary perspective. The explosion of working class modern vaudevillian cabaret and burlesque across the western world and queerlesque that appears in the USA and, in recent years with Lesburlesque, in the UK are of particular interest to me. I am also fascinated by drag kinging and intend to work on my own drag king identity.

Wikipedia Contributions


So far I'm new at this and have created an article on Lesburlesque but I intend to expand into more academic articles surrounding gender, incommensurability, queer theory and feminism. I've also made a minor edit to a page on drag kings.

--LGBTQTrustee (talk) 13:41, 6 September 2012 (UTC)