LAKSHMAN YADAV -RKGIT studying 30 July 2014 - Present DEPARTMENT:-- Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department College:--- Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology (RKGIT) B.Tech. - EEE School year 2018

S.F.Y.Higher University 13 July 2011 - 5 June 2013 11th--12th

Shahid smarak inter college nandganj ghazipur University 16 July 2009 - 10 June 2011 9th--10th

S.D.Y.Public school University 11 July 2006 - 6 June 2009 6th--8th

S.S.P school University School year 2006 LKG--5th


Integrated Circuit Design Engineer (IC Design Engineer) and Elmecom - Electrical Intelligence

Birthday :- 01/01/1996

Gender :- male

Languages : English, Hindi

Religious :- Hindu

Political Views :-- owner

Nickname :- lucky , LAKSH


Serious now:::::::: great mind at work::::::::::::::::: CRITICAL THINKING :-- i'm use the logical & alternative method to all type of question . ACTIVITY :-- give the full attention to what other people are saying & then noted that's point & give the technical answer or lovely reply at inappropriate time. MY PRINCIPAL :-- "Love All Serve All" - "Help Ever Hurt Never" MONITORING :--mainly now assessing performance of yourself & also improvements of any zone take the corrective action. JUDGMENT & DECISION :-- silently take the action to choose the most appropriate one. SPEAKING :-- conveyance of reply or info dependent upon the receiver. generally give the abuse during the conversations with friend & with other pyar se OK. WORKING & STUDY :-- exp. working on different different machine ,test ,devlop , design such as radar, navigation system, all communication system, turbine, moter ,transformer, motor & it operation, control system , all type of electrical & electronic instruments ,power generation system & all type instrumental device , & task compiles using c programing , comouter hardware, design the integrated circuit etc. INTEREST NOw?? :-- only more study because that's student life n. RELATIONSHIP :-- due to family & friend. INDEPENDENCE :--- to self responsibility .we are self responsible of our any external activity.

Life view:--

(1). life is 10% what happens to me & 90% of how i react to it. (2). life = integrating of our activity from lower limit birth to upper limit death.