Eastern Hoolock Gibbon

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  • Sections
    • Geographic Range
    • Classification
    • Population
      • Myanmar = over 10,000, less than 300 in Yunnan Province, China - Mahamyaing Wildlife Sanctuary = less than 8000 [1]
    • Habitat/Ecology
      • Deciduous/evergreen forest (forest dwelling) partially deciduous hill forest, broadleaf pine forests, are found up to 2,700m elevation[1] (tropical environments with monsoon rains and cool, dry winters [2]
      • Omnivores = inverts/ birds eggs, figs make up majority of diet but also eat fruits and lichen
    • Threats
      • habitat loss and hunting for meat, Myanmar = commercial logging, Hukaung Valley Tiger Reserve = human population, 50,000+ [1]
    • Conservation
      • Chinese nature reserves - Gaoligongshan and Tongbiguan National Nature Reserves, Myanmar = Mahamyaing Sanctuary (Wildlife Conservation Society has implemented plant to educate locate residents about the gibbon and convince them to stop hunting them), Hukaung Tiger Reserve[1]
  1. ^ a b c http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/39877/0
  2. ^ Gron KJ. 2008 August 13. Primate Factsheets: Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock) Taxonomy, Morphology, & Ecology . <http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/hoolock_gibbon>. Accessed 2016 November 14.