Kyeyune Elly - Elly Elly Kyeyune is a journalist working with The Observer newspaper since 2013. He is also working with Radio two/ Akaboozi as a football co-commentator. He completed studies from Nkumba University in 2010 however prior to Nkumba he studied journalism from Datamine technical business institute. Elly Kyeyune is a roman Catholic. He was born on 14th January 1987 in Kakuuto hospital Rakai district. He has worked for other media house apart from the fore mentioned ones; He worked for Eddoboozi newspaper between 2010-2012 unfortunately the newspaper later collapsed, Chimpreports (while at radio two), Ugonews (while at radio two),Buddu media group. Kyeyune played football during his secondary school stint at; Kakoma ss - Rakai, Kasawo ss(part of 2005 UMEA cup winning team held in Masaka), Victoria SS Lyantonde (Post primary team in Masaka 2005), Light SS Kitoma - Masaka, Masaka Exodus SS Masaka and some other schools before realizing the Importance of going to school for serious studies. Completed primary seven from Kisaalizi P/S in 2000, senior four from Kakoma SS, and A-level from Kabaale-Ssanje SS in 2007. He is a father of two - Maria Fridah Nakiwu and Nambuusi Gladys. -