my nane is kurt bray i am a 44 year old male from madison heights michigan.well, thats where i grew up annyway. i can say that where i live now is much better. I have a wife a dog and 3 cats...thats my whole family,and its a good one too...animals are so much more civilized than kids..wouldnt you agree? my parents will not be mentioned in this because they were pretty much useless in my upbringing,had No influance on the person i am to-day,and never saved any money for collage.i have two sisters also,they will not be mentioned further for the fact we were seperated by divorce and i do not know them personally.One would usually discribe me as bieng dysfuncional and its true I do not function well at all in our socity ( if thats what you want to call it)or around other human biengs this is Not to say that i am an alien (or am I?) from another planet but on most days it feels like that alot..which is the reason im starting this project on wiki.please note that i have not written anything sense i was a teenager and then it was only poetry for the girls i liked. i am not colege educated,(see above stsement about parents)im not Blaming them i could have done it on my own in fact im only 15 non-transferable credits away from a assoiates degree in applied science.I am a,well,was A master certified mechanic and i did complete a year and a half school for mechanics(long gone now,the school i mean) but,i am a truck driver by trade(i went to school for that too)so belive it or not now i own and operate sucsessfully,A Dog Grooming Shop(again, see above referances how dogs are more civilized than kids or people,also that i dont usually get along withe the himan race in general.)Its not that i dislike people as a spicies its what they do that gets me.thats all ill say about that.Lets just say that even though dogs will shit on your carpet instead of the nice clean floor,ill take that over what humans do to eachother,the planet we live on,dogs cats other animals on the planet and soforth and so it goes in this life.and after all that, i just wsanteed to say that i never went to school to learn how to write so give me a break.Nor do I read very many books(i did read somewhre that it makes you a begtter writer,I disagree i think it would just make you a more influanced writer)Lets not make any mistakes here though i do have somthing to say and to contribute and i promise that if i dont know thwe answer ill find it from sombody who did go to college or the college its self as it is just down the road from whree i live.Ive been reading wiki for a while now and it seems that only college eduvcated people can contribute to this but then i read the licence and foun out this is not true.I dont put much stock in book educated people annyway my dad(who i said i woldnt mention but this is a jab)had a Masters in Education but he was an follow me? my education came from doing things not reading about doing things that other people have allready done. and whos to say They weree right in the first place? so if you do exactly what they say page for page youd be a fuck -up too now woulnt ya? thank god we have the ability to see the differance.well some of us annyway.Apperntly not enough though as i dont see the world as that great a place (the way the humans made it annyway) I cannot change the world but i can contribute to it to try to make it better but only for myself(kinda like editing wiki pages,but please define the word better,isnt that in the eyes of the beholder,or writer of the article,i mean how do you know he or she didnt allready think it was perfect how it is?and how dare you edit it!)like the world too, it would indeed be presumptuous of me too say the world needs changing because i didnt create it.ya see? I can and activly do tho make it better for myself and my family because that is all i can do with somthing i cannot change ....make the best of to speak and I do not care about you or the world you live in the same as you for me..thats human nature. animals take care of thier own.humans,not so much. its just that simple and that simplicity is what truly makes you free not the kind that people fight over though thats differnt and its not free either.let me tella ya.but no because war is useless and forget-it ok? all im sayin people could benifit from paying closer attention to animals thats all.I have a beautiful garden,and this is my contribution to the world its all organic it supports life,(honeybees and such)and my family likes it too because everything i grow you can eat,and thats cats like it too because i grow catnip..(dont eat that though)so you cant eat everything but damn near...damn near.i grow crysanthimums and try to make my own insectiside but stagley enough the insect themselfs are the best controllers of other insects so its best not to kill them but to let them kill themselfs...oooo thats real close to genicide huh? but it works in the garden trust me...i never went to school for that either and you should see my garden.its a balance of nature that you create a garden and somthing that you can be proud of.especially when you eat one of my raspberries or strawberries, yummy.....too!It is also a key to survival that is if you like to eat and all..i mean lets face it if you cant depend on yourself then who? other growers thats who..i dont trust them though.i can cook too i did go to school for that though the military paid for it but to tell you the truth i was born withw the ability to cook and for a male thats a lucky break ill say! they taught me how not to kill other service members with food poisoning(destruction of govenment property you know..)not how to cook i allready knew that part lucky fore me too because everybody whos alive likes to eat so thats my way of getting along with others by making them happy with food i cook its not complicated at all really.just think how great the world would be if everyone could garden and cook then we could all be self sufficiant and respectfuul of things like the animals and wouldnt have to fight as much as we do.alas,thats not the case at all now is it? the resaurants and food stores like it though.alot.i like to think that it is our own dependecies on certain things(food for instance)is the thing that holds us back as a race as a whole.we depend too much on others and not ourselves im gulity of it and so are you.but i try not to be,are you?if everyone just tried alittle then there would be alot but tring to get everyone together?????? now thats the hard part!whew! forget it ! theyll never listen! genicide my friend..not so good for humans as it is for gardens ill tell ya that for sure.and another thing is theyll never listen to me especially because im just me and not somebody important with their head stuck up their forget it i do this for me and mine if you want to too then please by all means but not as a means to save the planet...they wont listen to you either. but trust me the raspberries alone are more than worth the effort and youll feel better because you did it for yourself and your family and your setting a fine example.good for you! please email me if you wants some tips you probebly wont listen to them but it makes me feel better to offer them see?its all about me! kurtieB!human just cant escape.i swear you cant!another thing youll have to consider is the honeybee. why you say? well ill tell ya.honeybees are important to us as a spiecies and they make honey which is really good on hommade waffles.but not only that(if that wasent enough)they polinate just about everything we grow to unless you dont like to eat.....then...well...dont consider them i guess but alot of other good things come from them that we dont eat so dont consider yourself off the hook on this one pal.the reason i say this at all is because i feel that we treating them as slaves instead of our freinds that help us live here.when i say we i mean of course the thousands of farmers who wont try to culivate the bees themselves instead of depending (thres that word again) on pimp beekeepers to do the job for them. its not hard to keep bees they pretty much know what to do allready all they need is a box and somthing to polinate and they even make yummy honey to pay you back(what a deal!)i guess they think its too much probebly is too.i have to admit my bees are wild and i dont have to do anything to get them to polinate my garden. then in the fall i go find the hive and get me some honey! its a fair trade by my just makes me sad because the bees that the growers use are shipped in by truck and i dont have to tell you that its dangerous to drive a truck but it is and i know because i drove them.alot.but not with bees, in my mind that is foolish at best considering bees only fly 10 miles an hour, trucks are much faster that you can do the math on that one i guess,im not much good at math.the point is when i drove a truck the road was my home(not as glamorous as one would imagine)so is it with bees,except that goes against what nature intended and espcialily when the truck crashes and the bees die because someone who didnt care about it cut the guy off in traffic and made that happen.but also its lonly on the road with no home to speak of and it makes abody unhappy to a certain degreee its no wonder why they are all abandoning their hives...if i was a bee i would too.think about it.I read that it was because of a little mite(verroa mites) but thats a bunch of bunk, its just like everything else if you dont take care of it it will eventully die or not be happy take your pick.(they're the same annyway so who cares)Again,thats just like human nature not to take care of somthing that was put here to take care of us.well maybe not us probebly the animals but sense were numero uno on the food chain,us too then.not only do they do that they dont ask for annything in return and...they give us the least we could do is take care of them right?yea, like fun you to that extent i am done talking about honeybees allthough i reserve the right to bring them up again if the need arises.humans. what can i say im one of them. does annyone other than me think that humans were a big mistake and the world would have been beter off without them? i do.but its funny because unless i was here I wouldnt have been able to realize that now would I? So because of that i think that humans do have a purpose here the problem is nobody knows what it is.especially me.and whats worse is that they say youll never know untill you die and then,of course,its too thats not fair,also to me annyway, carefull though its not good to cretisize ones work now is it?im not saying that God or whatever created us is stupid ive never met him or her or whatever so i cant make that assumption i will go on record by saing it would be easier to know our purpouse here,but my guess is thats why we dont.then it would be too easy then huh?if its somthing i know about life,mine has not been easy.but at the same time its as hard as you make take your pick there...i can say that my life is better now than it was before but not any easier.all i did was grow a garden i swear it.this does not make me annything special but it did put me in tune withn nature a little bit better thats all.Life does not have to be hard, people just make it that way. I guess they need a challenge(as if just surviving wasent challenging enough)Going to the moon(or not going depending on who ya talk to)must have been challenging and difficult to if we could do that(or not)one would like to think that the rest of the worlds challenges(like oh say,peace,or no war or taking care of eachother better,or,encouraging others to take care of themselves,etc;)would be pretty would be wrong though,because unless its true that we didnt go to the moon(or did)we still have all these problems today that the worlds people cant or wont gonna build me a rocket ship and go to the moon someday...see if i dont.truth be told all the moon is annyway is a dead earth one with no global warming (atmosphere,wthout it we dont breathe)to sustain life annymore so they abndoned it and came here.or did they destroy it(like were doing)and then abandon it? its a fair question ill give ya that.