Notation in vector calculus


Vector calculus concerns differentiation and integration of vector or scalar fields particularly in a three-dimensional Euclidean space, and uses specific notations of differentiation. In a Cartesian coordinate o-xyz, assuming a vector field A is  , and a scalar field   is  .

First, a differential operator, or a Hamilton operator ∇ which is called nabla is symbolically defined in a form of a vector,


where the terminology symbolically refrects that the operator ∇ will also be treated as an ordinary vector.

  • Gradient: The gradient   of the scalar field φ is a vector, which is symbolically expressed by the multiplication of ∇ and scalar field φ,
  • Divergence: The divergence   of the vector A is a scalar, which is symbolically expressed by the dot product of ∇ and the vector A,
  • Laplacian: The Laplacian   of the scalar field   is a scalar, which is symbolically expressed by the scalar multiplication of ∇2 and the scalar field φ,
where,   is called a Laplacian operator.
  • Rotation: The rotation  , or  , of the vector is a vector, which is symbolically expressed by the cross product of ∇ and the vector A,

These notations with the operator ∇ mentioned above are very powerful as in symbolic operations. For example product rule in ordinary differentiation,   in the Lagrange's notation, can directly be applied to the gradient of the multiplication of scalar fields φ and ψ, and the rule is expressed   as exactly same as ordinary one.