Article evaluation

Evidence-based practice

In this article, stays true to what the article is about. It starts off with a brief little information paragraph with an overview of what evidence based practice is. Then it states the history behind EBP, which is nice to let others know where EBP originally came from. The article then goes on to discuss how EBP is currently being used and then goes on to discuss this practice to the traditional type of practice. I feel this article does very well at being neutral and just giving the viewers facts rather than persuading them to pick EBP. Towards the end of the article it gives different articles one can click on to read other articles that may be related. It also, has a lengthy references section that is clearly seen throughout the article with lots of citations within the article.

Choosing possible topics:

Animal-assisted therapy

-I may be able to improve this article by finding more research about animals in institutions. The article as it is presently only has one sentence so, that could be expanded. Also there is a sentence that needs a non primary source so, I could try to find a different source to add in that section.

For this article, I plan to add information about animal therapy with children

Palliative care

-This article could include a section on the geriatric and their role with palliative care. They have a section on pediatric palliative care but not one specifically for those 65 and older. They also have a section on palliative care for the pediatric by country but then only list the U.K. so, I could try to find some research on other countries and add in that information.

My edits to the article:

Citation for article used:

Tielsch Goddard, A., & Gilmer, M. (2015, March). The role and impact of animals with pediatric patients. Continuing nursing education41(2), 65-71. Retrieved from CINAHL Complete.

Points I want to add to the wiki page:

Animals can be used as a distraction method when it comes to various situations, pain, and can also help bring in happiness, pleasure, and entertainments to the pediatric population.

Animals can also help improve children's moods and reinforce positive behaviors while helping to decrease negative ones.

Reflective Essay:

  • Critiquing articles: What did you learn about Wikipedia during the article evaluation? It was nice to see that you can't just add anything to Wikipedia, like everyone thinks, and that it does go through a process of being edited and looked at.
  • How did you approach critiquing the article you selected for this assignment? I looked through the article and found different areas that needed work. Once I found a few, I looked for references that I could use. Once I had a reference, I narrowed down what area I was going to add to.
  • How did you decide what to add to your chosen article? I looked through the reference I had found and found items my Wiki article did not talk about so I knew I could add some information about that topic.
  • Summarizing your contributions: include a summary of your edits and why you felt they were a valuable addition to the article. I added how animal therapy can have a positive impact on the pediatric population. Previously the article I picked did not have points about how emotionally animals can affect children.
  • How does your article compare to earlier versions? I added to the paragraph about animal-assisted therapy in the pediatric population.
  • Peer Review: If your class did peer review, include information about the peer review process. Our class did not do a peer review.
  • What did you contribute in your review of your peers article? I did not do a peer review
  • What did your peers recommend you change on your article? Peers did not recommend anything to me.
  • Feedback: Did you receive feedback from other Wikipedia editors, and if so, how did you respond to and handle that feedback? I did not receive feedback from other Wiki editors.
  • Wikipedia generally: What did you learn from contributing to Wikipedia? I learned that yes, anyone can add to to Wikipedia but it does go through a rigorous editing process so not any information can be added. I also learned there are strict rules to adding information to Wiki and that you need to be sure to follow that or your information will be taken off.
  • How does a Wikipedia assignment compare to other assignments you've done in the past? It was definitely different than any other assignment I had done. It was nice that it was online and there were different things to do each week and different module training to help with the learning aspect. It also had areas where you could practice the things you just learned from the modules.
  • How can Wikipedia be used to improve public understanding of our field/your topic? Why is this important? It is an easy website to work with and the information is readily available to everyone.