My little idea is far too esoteric, experimental, and ambitious to pay any interest to. It could be described as a (proposed) platform wherein Chinese-based characters can be edited and redesigned by the internet public, such that the crafted glyphs and the terms they represent show the character of a democratic balance across cultures. In other words, Chinese Han characters were such a good idea that everyone should use them and furthermore why not let everyone edit them as well? Yes!

Its also an open source solution to the problem of proprietary language translation, which attempts to find a middle ground between the complex systems of linguistic tagging, and the public editing process of a wiki. Using ideo-symbolic glyphs for tokens representing operations, concepts, and objects, circumvents the inherent biases and adaptive limitations of learning a particular phonetic scheme. It also presents the ability for a wider public to take interest in the process of language tagging and translation, which will better enable people to access other cultures. Online, the cyclical process of refining and publishing and using common in various modest ways should generate enough synergy and influence to become the basis for a real convergence of terms across languages over a (relatively short) number of years.

This is of course a highly controversial idea, but the point is that young people want to connect, and should have the ability to create and adapt such a system to overcome the problems posed by linguistic disparity by dealing instead with their conceptual commonalities. While in direct communications the spoken language is much more efficient, the internet has in certain ways made the spoken word subordinate to the written word (the bullhorn versus the pen). The use of a modest set of common ideoglyphs presents the possibility that the written word could be the basis for a convergence of spoken forms.

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