Article Reviews:


Over all this article is very up to date, which i would hope it would because Foreign trade effects our economy and are allies around the world. Trade is what keeps money flowing in our country. Constant updating is needed for this particular topic.

What I have learned so far in global issues




I learned how to sign my username at the end of a post and the regulations sites have on privacy.

Article Evaluation


I am evaluating the article Dolphins. What really stood out to me bout this page was the chart that shows all the different types of dolphins with a set of pictures to go along with it and a link to that specific type of dolphins page.

Article proposal


I would like to edit , Child Rights International Network , I found many scholarly articles and feel this page needs a lot more information. It basically just had the definition. I want to go more in-depth with it, maybe talk about specific countries or how the network was created.



When the CRIN originally was founded it it stood for the “Childrens Rights Information network. Then it was changed.


Organizations and groups typically go through 4 phases of development. The CRIN was in its first phase first dated back in 1991- all the way to July 1995   

Organizations/Groups involved with the CRIN


Consortium for Street Children:


The main focus of this organization is to get children who live on the streets voices heard. They follow four core values; “Challenging”, “Progressive”, “Collaborative”, and “Accountable”. April 12th is International day for Street Children.[1]

Save the Children:


Focused around getting children better opportunities in the subjects of: Education, economic, and Health Care opportunities. As well as Helping out in natural disasters. [2]

Child Workers in Asia:


Non-Governmental Organization- started off just five organizations, grew to 50 different organizations in 14 countries.these organizations were focused on stopping child labor. [3]

Areas of Concern

Child Sex Trafficing

This is a major concern for the CRN, Organizations like this are what help bring awareness of these issues society tries to ignore. This makes sure this children have a voice.This is a major concern for the CRN, Organizations like this are what help bring awareness of these issues society tries to ignore. This makes sure the children are represented for. Sex trafficking can cause lasting effects mentally on a child not just physical. Studies show that 70-85% of the time the victims know who is assaulting them. [4] There is a common misconception that these two are the same thing. There is a difference between Child Sex Trafficking and Sale of a Child. Child Sex Trafficking can be conducted with out any money at all. Nobody can even be involved its more of the physical aspect of transporting the child.

Forms of Advocacy


In order to create change in public systems and institutions they need to be advocated for. [5] Advocacy is basically what the The Children’s rights international Network is all about. It is how they get their message of children’s rights across the globe. The word advocacy means They see the basic forms of advocacy helpful, but not the most effective when implemented alone. [6]

  • Writing letters
  • Protesting
  • Report writings
  • Digital advocacy

They do not feel these are enough to make the impact they desire and need. They want to encourage people to take the next step. They believe the strongest form of advocacy would be taking the legal route. This means that you are able to represent a person that is not able to on there behalf in the legal system. [7]  


  • Legal advocacy
  • Strategic litigation
  • Legal representation  
  • Quasi-legal representation



Goals of Organization

  1. Try to incorporate professionals to help the organization grow, by expanding the knowledge of the community and members in hopes others will be able to further our intentions. They hope that will create change in the system.
  2.   Keep track of violations against child’s rights around the world
  3. Introducing discussions about the CRINs policies
  4. Use legal advocacy and campaigns to confront violations towards child’s rights

These are just a few of the goals that the CRIN has in their sights in hopes to create opportunities for change [8]


  • Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Save the Children Sweden
  • Oak Foundation
  • Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida)
  • Private donor

These 5 Donors are the organizations that help finance the Children's Rights International Network [9]



... They really push to change how society and the government treat children regarding their rights. They believe trying to recreating what others do on your own wont be as effective if you work as a team. [10]

Childs Rights reforms the CRIN follows up on

Inhuman Sentencing of Children-

This reform is to stop children from being prosecuted wrongly. The CRIN does intense legal research on the states that have yet to remove these horrific sentences. In 40 states the Justice system exposes the children to Flogging, Amputation ,and even Caning. These forms of punishment is referred to as Corporal Punishment . The Death Penalty on children is continued to be used today in 14 different countries. They can undergo Shootings, Hangings, Stoning, and the most popular/well-known one of all Lethal Injection. The research being conducted and the tabs being kept on the countries are all efforts in ending these cruel punishments. Key component ‘naming and shaming’ campaign. [11]

Children’s Rights Case Database- 

This database holds all the information for the CRIN to scan through and help get promote awareness of any case that has to do with the convention on the rights of a child.

More states criminalizing more children-

This area of child’s rights is kept a close eye on because states have not been advancing in the category of juvenile justice. This is a major problem; it goes against the rights of all children. States are not evolving they are actually demoting. The CRIN wants to help advocate for the children and help get the criminal age of responsibly lowered. To do this they gathered very upsetting information and they will continue. This will raise awareness of the issue. Good example of the CRIN advocating for the children. [12]

  1. ^ "About - Consortium for Street Children". Consortium for Street Children. Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  2. ^ "Save the Children". Wikipedia. 2018-05-01.
  3. ^ "Child Workers in Asia". Asia Society. Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  4. ^ Merino, Faith (2010). Adoption and Surrogate Pregnancy. Infobase Publishing. ISBN 9780816080878.
  5. ^ "Advocacy". Wikipedia. 2018-01-14.
  6. ^ "Legal Advocacy | CRIN". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  7. ^ "Advocacy". Wikipedia. 2018-01-14.
  8. ^ "About | CRIN". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  9. ^ "Donors | CRIN". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  10. ^ "Working in Partnership | CRIN". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  11. ^ "Inhuman sentencing | CRIN". Retrieved 2018-05-02.
  12. ^ "Research | CRIN". Retrieved 2018-05-02.