User:Krishna P. Bastola/Time god life

Time is constant for non living objects but dyanamic for living things. Paradox of relationship between living things and time is influenced by experiences of thought. Simply undestandable concept is that we are forward travelling time. But most of us are oblivious to backward time travel. Just being static at certain time and knowing whether we are being changed encircling our metabolism and changes associated with it in physicality and mentality is a guide.

This is just a fiction that from the ancient history or before the existence of the world there was god so we imagine god is there. But before our imagination from our mind something existed. Just imagine we being present in the womb of our mother. After taking birth we can not say anything about our parents. Similarly human beings do not carry that mind which can tell about the god that already existed. Every being has taken the form of birth and death. Nobody knows the true fact till now. Everything is just a part of magic. To explore more into the depth of this topic is a falsehood.

We have been accustomed to different life situations since childhood. Our demands keep increasing. Demand involve everything from basic needs to the entertaining ones. It applies to the food we eat and every behavioral apporaches. But the problem arises when we keep fulfilling our needs. We get satisfied once the demand is fulfilled. If it is not fulfilled then our life does not move in a way that was like previous one. Any disturbances or obligation to our demand leads to vulnerable situation.

Humans die after reaching certain age. But different factors play a significant role till that time. More essentially the psychological repertoire accompained by others manipulation without being aware of the true reality of the victim makes the situation worse.

Humans owe their unique inherited nature since their birth. But from my perspective and experiences individual loses their identitiy intrinsically followed by freedom. With that being said, from my experiences of life, diseases are whim created from the beginning. We did not explore other aspects because there must have been a cause to it. Since God existed before our mind did, we can not imagine and infer upon the existence or of the god. Everything happens before we could even imagine. Everything happens just for good. So good happens without knowing before our achievements. Men and woman are equal and deserve the right of being equally respectful. The only problem human has is we do not have control over our behavior and we do lack complete control over our mind.

Finally till this date what I realized is our destiny will be fulfilled if we are strong enough to bear the possible outcomes of our deeds. Everything is a need of time indeed. We can not change the universal law of nature and everything happens itself governed by the nature.

Many people believe in god. Most of them believe just to get a kind of relief by believing in higher power. The concept of higher power is a flourishing topic. Higher power is not an entity but a concept. In many tales of religions it has been stated that some entity or god is taken as higher power. But from the life story of god what can be inferred is that they were doing deeds for their shake of life not for the shake of people or human beings. So they were accused of doing something. In such case what can be inferred is that the something as mentioned earlier is limited to higher than that of god himself.

Human beings are naturally happy at some time and sad at other time. It is the Universal Truth. Noone can deny this fact that at some point of their life stage, humans have to face such sufferings. Some may think it as suffering while some might take it as nothing.

Our mind always wanders and seeks to entertain the life or mind itself. We always use the mind for better happiness than the existing one. This is how we are surviving. We are here because of this mind which is wandering in nature. So if we do not restrict the mind we will do better in our lives because nobody wants to be bad since childhood. There is other people's mind which obstructs us being oblivious. If an individual remains untouched he will reach his destination one day. The author's mind is corrupted with the knowledge in the hope of being considered in the universe. I am blessed by the divine presence of my parents who are the god of earth for me that I was oblivious to its deep essence till now.