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<ref>{{cite book|contribution=Entretien avec Hisako Miyoshi|editor-last=Brient|editor-first=Hervé|title=Homosexualité et manga : le yaoi|publisher=Editions H|series=Manga: 10000 images|date=2008|isbn=978-2-9531781-0-4|pages=17-19|language=French}}</ref>

I'm translating roughly part the interview so avoid full citation as i would have to provide both a better translation + original French quote.

I will also omit some question and parts as they bring nothing relevant.

"Interview with Hisako Miyoshi"

Q3:"How do you discover new talents?"
A3:(first part of the answer omitted) [...] "We are also not hesitating on canvassing directly the authors who publish in dojinshi by picking the most gifted."

Q5:"What are your different publics, what is the Boys love readers profile? Do your magazines have a lot of masculine readers?"
A5:"In a fundamental way, i think that the women have the appropriate mood/disposition to love Boys love. We live, currently, a hectic life and we have only few time to devote to ourself. I think many women with a time consuming professional activity search a way to leave reality and to find answer to their existential interrogations. It's according to me, a kind a catharsis or an outlet. The men who read Boys love are indeed on a constant increase but they don't represent yet 1% of our readership."

Q7:"How do you perceive the development & evolution of the Boys love genre since its beginning? What has changed? The themes, the authors, the public are they the same?"
A7:"The Boys love is indeed well more accepted and well more media covered. Even in the approached themes, we find today more comedy elements or simply entertaiment. I think that before the Boys love focused more on the homosexual way of of life with a realist perspective.
For the authors there are more and more of them and each with its own style, that allows to have extremely varied works"

Q8:"With the multiplication of the publishers and thus the numbers of publications dedicated to Boys love, and the multiplication of the bishōnen in the animes, can we say that the Boy love became general public?"
A8:"In fact, the Boys love is more general public than before. However the number of readers remains always limited. The are a numbers of rather strict codes like the presence of the seme and the uke. It needs a love story between two men, making it a codified genre. Due to that fact, it is often qualified of a simple amusement/diversion. All off that limit the genre to only the persons interested at those relatively immutable codes."

Q9:"How is it perceived in general by the manga readers, the general public? And by the others manga professionals (shōnen, shōjo, ...)?"
A9:"The Boys love became a genre by itself like the shōnen & the shōjo. There are also many manga artists who draw both shōjo and Boys love"

Q10:"How do you foresee the future of the genre in Japan but also abroad where it is also more and more popular?"
A10:"I think that the public amateur of Boys love will be closely looked after and pampered by the differents companies of the sector. I think that the most populars works will probably be adapted more often into the television.
We have also understood that there is also a Boys love readership abroad. The main consequence will probably be the future translations of numerous works once reserved to the Japanese territory."

At the time of the interview Hisako Miyoshi was the vice editor-in-chief for the manga section of the Libre publishing with 15 years of experience in Boys love publishing (that was the answer to Q6).