
Vocalist/lyricist/rhythm guitarist Giles De Simone was turned onto music at a very young age after becoming close friends with someone who he did not yet know would become his best friend, future bandmate and brother from another mother Daniel Gray. since then he has spent countless late nights in his room with his guitar crafting beautiful melodies and chord progressions that would later on become songs like 'Like You', 'I Don't Care', 'Zwaha' and more.


Lead Guitarist Bryn Bird or just Birdy was one of the founding members of the band and has played an instrumental role in making the band what it is today with his psychedelic inspirations and punk rock roots. Bryn brings to the table a fresh and new style of playing that can be heard on tracks like 'Suicidal uncle toby', 'Alien Song', 'Journey To Mombok', and many more to come...


Bassist Leon Stals dropped into the band a complete newbie without a clue what he was doing and found himself on stage within a week of playing bass all because he was told "You got bass fingers". before joining the band he thought bass was just a dial on a speaker. later he learned to play the bass and guitar and ended up writing songs like 'The Good Times Are Killing Me', 'Gasoline' and 'Diosa'

Danny G

Drummer Daniel Gray or just Danny G is a multi-instrumentalist freak of nature, he can and will play any musical instrument you give him with relative ease. Dan was the catalyst to spark the musical passion inside Giles' heart and the one to bring him to the band after he moved schools. Dan loves sports and nerding over gear and guitars. you can hear his wild playing on tracks like 'I Don't Care', 'When Her Black Heart Beats' and 'Runaway'