Article evaluation


Evaluating Content

This article defines Music Therapy, explains its uses, and where it's used. The article was last edited on May 2, 2019 which means that it is recently updated. The article opens up defining Music Therapy and goes into how it benefits each population of people such as children, adults, psychiatric disorders, and more. It talks about the different methods of Music Therapy and how different cultures view it. Also this article shows that Music Therapy as different methods for different needs from a client.

Evaluating Tone

The article, Music Therapy, has a neutral tone and doesn't seemed to be biased. It talks about how other cultures view Music Therapy and all of the different methods that go along with it. It includes the different populations in Music Therapy and doesn't have an opinion of Music Therapy itself. The article doesn't try to persuade you to do it just that it depends on a client's needs of what needs to be done.

Evaluating Sources Most of the sources worked, but I had to check if a couple of citations were credible because there wasn't a correctly placed citation and some pages were not found. The sources mainly worked and were updated regularly.

Checking the Talk Page

The Conversations are old, but the page is still being updated. The last update was March 29,2019. People on the talk pages are giving new articles and citations for the author to use to improve their article. The ranking is still of "low importance" and a "starting Article" which means a lot of editing is going to improve this article.