, Inc. is self help and personal development company based in Chicago, Illinois. They are in the business of selling information, mainly in the form of ebooks.

History & Business Model

edit was founded in 2007. The site was originally registered as[1], but the site name was quickly abandoned for sounding to ambiguous.

In July 14, 2008, the site was renamed to[2] to better characterize the nature of the site.

In July 22, 2008 the company was incorporated in the state of Illinois as, Inc.[3] The following month, it began selling its line of self help ebooks on the internet.

Product Line

edit began selling a host of books in the self help genre providing people with time management techniques and anger management tips. Soon after, they branched into other personal help and self development categories. Now they sell self help ebooks in the following four categories: self improvement[4], health and physical fitness[5], personal finance budgeting[6]. They also have a category they labeled Dimwit’s Guide to…[7]


edit has an online book club, which is like a forum for each of the titles they carry. In the forum, or book club, users can come together and talk further about any of the books that are sold on the site. However, to be able to read or write a post about any of the books in the book club, one has to have purchased that book[8]. users can also submit reviews for each book they sell on the site. The review process requires users to rate the book on a rating scale from one to five stars.

In January 2009, launched a free self help articles directory. With the article directory, users can access free articles that are regularly updated. The articles relate to the various self help topics of the site[9].

