Starting this page so people know I exist. I and a group of scholars at JHU will be updating and amending the web page for deceased Professor Giovanni Arrighi over the period of 2010-2011.

- Note for edit on 3/29/2011: Arrighi did not particularly enjoy the doctrinaire debates among Marxists, especially concerning who was or was not a Marxist. He defined a Marxist as "anyone who calls himself or herself a Marxist," which is a definition most self-proclaimed Marxists probably would not agree with. Hence, I think it is best not to place Arrighi in the category of "Italian Marxists." Two reasons: 1. He did not call himself a Marxist, thus is not one by his own definition. 2. He was influenced by Marx, Schumpeter, Smith, and Polanyi. Therefore he could easily be also called a "Smithian" - in fact, he liked to tease Marxists with the claim that Marx was also a Smithian. All things in consideration, therefore, best to leave him out of the esteemed category of Italian Marxists.