
Irantzu Lekue (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, 28th August 1987) is a Basque contemporary artist. She has won the Videotalentos First Prize powered by the Santander Bank Foundation and the Photographic Memories First Prize run by the Canal Foundation, among others.



Irantzu Lekue was born in Vitoria-Gasteiz in 1987. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from University of the Basque Country, after studying at the University of Granada and at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Perugia (Italy). Additionally she holds a Master’s degree in Photography from the Master Photoespaña. Lekue has developed theories and artistic projects at the European University of Madrid and in cinema, with an International Official Bachelor’s degree in Creative Media Production, from the School of Communication, Image and Sound (CEV) in Madrid and from the University of Essex (England). She lives and works in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Artistic career


She works specially in contemporary art, social art, conceptual art, artivism and accessible art through art installations, video art, painting and sculpture.

Her work is characterized by her artworks regarding social awareness. Through various techniques, she has developed works that analyse the condition of women, social injustices, climate change, life and death and existence itself. During the last few years, she has focused on vindication and accessibility through art. She organizes and coordinates workshops promoting sensitive creativity. In addition, she develops audiovisual productions, working as director of cinema and art. She has also collaborated in multiple collective exhibitions in Granada, Valladolid, Madrid and Bilbao.

Regarding her artistic practice, she has gone through different stages which have had an influence of paramount importance to her work. She began with introspective works that reflected different situations such as cancer disease, identity crises, loneliness, bullying, death or sexual abuse. Subsequently, her work has experienced a U-turn towards increasingly less personal and more social issues such as gender, racism, historical memory or socio-economic injustices. She uses art as a tool to activate thoughts about hegemonic and unfair situations in different social environments, all of which are closely linked to social art.

Her works invite the observers to be part of them and to interact with them, to promote participation, reflection and self-criticism. That is why the artist performs actions in public spaces in order to provoke some kind of reaction to the public, making the observer not a reactive part of her work but an active one. Her artistic praxis has also led her to be fined by the local authorities, as was the case with the artistic occupation of the Vitoria-Gasteiz Krea Building. Her artistic installations are characterized by being composed of repetitions of everyday objects distributed throughout space, decontextualizing the object, re-signifying it and allowing an infinite number of readings.

In 2016 she emphasized her large artistic installation ‘Aztarnak # 10mila Joan – Etorrian’, which is committed to ‘uniting art and citizen participation’ with which she closed the official program ‘Waves of Energy’ of European Cultural Capital Donostia - San Sebastian DSS2016.

Irantzu Lekue, durante una instalación artística

Main works

Instalación artística Aztarnak / Huellas. San Sebastián, 2016

Aztarnak / Traces #10mila Joan-Etorrian. Artistic installation composed of 10,000 bottles with messages as closure of the European Cultural Capital San Sebastian 2016. December 2016.

The Prince and the people (Vitoria-Gasteiz)

Emakumeen Indarra, Irantzu Lekue (Zaramaga Vitoria-Gasteiz District)

Nahasiz Nahi: learning to live together. Participatory artistic installation. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 15/10 / 2016.

Emakumeen Indarra, Memorial March 3. Neighborhood of Zaramaga. Vitoria-Gasteiz.4

India Sensations. Montehermoso Cultural Center. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 11/10/15-16 / 11 / 15.

Dancing 2 gether, Ignacio Aldecoa Culture House. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 24/09/15-26 / 09 / 15.

#6000zpt or The Prince and the people. Ephemeral installation in the center of Vitoria-Gasteiz, 17/04/15.

Exhibition In the margins of Art Madrid IN / BE / OUT SIDE ART. Madrid, 11/02 / 2015.

Rangoli de Krea. Protest intervention in Krea building. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 12/30/14.

Exhibition of artistic dossier in room Zuloa within the program of ‘Immersions’ 2012. 15/11/12.

Exhibition ‘Sparks’ within Master Photoespaña. Sala Fuencarral and Plaza Callao. Madrid, 06/18/12

While there is life ... Centro Cultural Montehermoso. Vitoria-Gasteiz 11/02 / 2011-10 / 04 / 2011.

Short film ‘Reflejos’ selected by the Pre - Zinebi festival.

Exhibition of natural painting of Leioa (Vizcaya) 06/13/09.

Exhibition ‘Noble Villa de Portugalete’ (Vizcaya) 05/23/09.

Exhibition of natural painting contest ‘Jardines de Albia’ Finalist and exhibited in Bar Iruña (Bilbao) 03/11/09.

Collective exhibition ‘From the body’ Installation ‘The battle of cancer.’ Churriana de la Vega Cultural Center (Granada) 06/28/08

Exhibition ‘From the body’. Pictorial series ‘Process of cicatrization’. Churriana de la Vega Cultural Center (Granada) 6/28/08.

Permanent installation of bronze sculpture ‘Decision’ Atarfe Park (Granada) 06/20/08



‘Disillusion’. Welcome Donostia Award, 2016.

‘The power of nature’. First Award ‘Photographic Memories’. Canal and Photoespaña Foundation, 2014.

Footprints of identity. First prize. II. Edition of the Videotalentos Contest. Openbank and Banco Santander Foundation, 2013.

Finalist photography in the contest ‘An imaginary of the sculpture’, exhibited in the National Museum of Sculpture of Valladolid, 2013.

Special mention in the Beldur Barik Competition, 2013.



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