Background: Kiiza David Maclaren is a son to Kisembo William Maxwell(a Banker and Economist) and Basemera Cecilia (a farmer and professional tailor).He was born on 8th November 1983 at 8:30pm in Virika Hospital Fort Portal in Kabarole District.He belongs to the Tooro's royal clan of Ababiito with Amooti as his pet name.He was rised from their ancestral home in Bukwali Nyakabale 'A' Central Dision, Fort Portal City but spent most of his early ages in Kilembe-Kasese District,Kyotera-Rakai District,Rugazi-Mbarara District and later Nansana-Wakiso District and Kampala Capital City where he currently lives.

Education: Kiiza David Maclaren started school 1989 at John Mary Nursery school in Fort Portal,In 1990-1991 he joined Buhinga Primary school for P1-P2 in Fort Portal before moving to Green Valley Primary School for P3-P5 in 1992-1994 in Kyotera. In 1995 -1996,David joined Rugazi Progressive Primary School for P6-P7 were he excelled in PLE with Aggregate 5 and got admitted to Mbarara High School in 1997-1998 and completed s1 and s2.His father died on the 11th April 1998 and this prompted David to move back to Fort Portal where he joined Nyakasura School for s3 and s4 thus excelling in his Ordinary level (UCE) examinations of 2000. He got various offers for Advanced level Education from better City schools but because of financial hiccups,Nyakasura School offered him a scholarship to study his high school studies at the same campus which he accepted and completed his Advanced Level Examinations(UACE) in 2002 successfully. He proceeded to join Uganda Technical College Kichwamba in Fort Portal in 2003 for a two-year program of Ordinary Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering on Government sponsorship and emerged the best in the college and among the top four students in the country. In 2007,David was admitted at Makerere University on Government sponsorship for Bachelor of Statistics and completed in 2010 with Second class Honors Degree. In 2014;David joined Amity University Uttar Pradesh,India for an MBA Petroleum and Natural Gas and successfully completed it in 2010 which a Distinction class.