User:Khaksha Durob/sandbox

Khaksha Durob (talk) 05:44, 28 September 2020 (UTC)

The Eglish language is so important for them all. English grammar is the base of language. you know that English is a kay for the entrance of worldwide. this page helps you for your improvement of ability.UNESCO announced literary dependence to foreign language, for example, English language.
The Eglish language is so important for them all. English grammar is the base of language. you know that English is a kay for the entrance of worldwide. this page helps you for your improvement of ability.UNESCO announced literary dependence to foreign language, for example, English language.

Learning Enghish


learning English In this here I want to write English grammar because English is basic. so this issue may be useful for all. however, according to the rule of grammar, the English language divided into twelve kinds of. at first, the English language divided into three kinds of past tense, present tense and future tense, so attention below:

English tensese

  • Present tense

I work every day

I am working now

I have worked for two years ago

I have been working, when you arrived

  • past tense

you work every day

he works every day

she works every day

they work every day

  • Future tense

I will have work

I will be working

I will have worked

I will have been working

In English grammar is a formal that there is 12 kind of tense: past, present, and future.

English grammar table


Template:Good article is only for Wikipedia:Good articles.

Cuneiform is the first known form of written language, but spoken language predates writing by at least tens of thousands of years.
Two girls learning American Sign Language
Braille writing, a tactile variant of a writing system

the language is base of all things.

Date: September 28, 2020

Academic Writing


What is the academic writing? it is a profissional ithem that it is very neccessery for every one who want to be writer.

Features of academic writing


1. Formality

2. Precission

3. Objectivity

4. Explicitness

5. Parallel

6. Accuracy

7. Hedging

Fegurative Language:

8. Denotation

9. Connotation

10. Taboo words

11. Slang Words

12. Jorgan Words

13. Metaphor

14. Smilie

15. Hyperbole

16. Idiom

17. Alliteration

18. Onomatopeica

19. Personification



For exmample: He make the cake today.

'Make the cake today' is predicate

A sentence combine from subject and predicate.Khaksha Durob (talk) 11:14, 18 October 2020 (UTC)

=Conditional Forms=Khaksha Durob (talk) 07:26, 19 October 2020 (UTC)

1. Zero Conditional:

- it has two clause:

A. If cluse

B. Mine clause

Example: If I make a cake, I give to my friend.

If I make a cake is if calsue.

I give to my friend is main clause.

2. It has result.Khaksha Durob (talk) 07:25, 19 October 2020 (UTC)

Conditional Sentences


Conditioanl senteceses devide in to four types, you look at below:

I Want to share some tichniqe in this page:

1. Simple present+ simple present.

Which one? choice.

2. Simple present+ simple present.

Which one? choice. 3. Simple Past+ would+ verb.

Which one? choice.

4. Past perfect+ Would have+ Past Participle.

Which one? choice

Khaksha Durob (talk) 05:40, 21 October 2020 (UTC)Khaksha Durob (talk) 05:40, 21 October 2020 (UTC) Khaksha Durob (talk) 05:44, 21 October 2020 (UTC)