Kendra Brill is a current Elkton, Virginia and Cumberland, Maryland resident. Kendra has suffered a rough past due to having gender dysphoria. After multiple incarcerations, time in the Virginia Department of Corrections, discrimination, multiple rapes, sex work, death of 9 loved ones in less than 2 years, and the denial of authenticity, Kendra had an astonishingly mind blowing and life changing spiritual awakening, and it redeemed her of her own addictions and a life spent trapped in bondage.

Today, Kendra is a proud and radiant transgender woman, who works tirelessly to empower the LGBT community and to influence those around her through her spirituality, writing, transgender prison reform work and LGBT Youth Mentor-ship activism, as well as many other projects and charity fundraisers in which she is actively supports. Kendra has recently published her life story book "The Kendra Brill Story," available on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel. Kendra is the Promotion and Marketing Manager for the Gay United States pageantry system and Big Daddy Productions. She also works for Massanutten Resort. She enjoys spending her free time with her family through Christ and Longing for Eden ministry.