Wow.. trying to find your way around how to do things is really hard.

Intuitive.. lets see..

Ok.. thats not too bad..

Lets see if I can actually do anything interesting

Ok.. started to fix some dead links I found.. Was really hard to figure out but I think I got it eventually.. until tomorrow.

Hmmm.. Starting to get more confidence with adding citations etc. At first the editor was not very intuitive but I am beginning to see it has its merits although still quite difficult to grasp.


Slowly getting there. More confidence but a long way off from feeling like I can make any decent contributions. Baby steps :)


The requirements of the software to interpret dates in such an exact format and not be able to cope with slight variations is proving distracting and frustrating.

4th December 2015 Experimenting with starting some winery pages (loads not represented) but need to figure out what the rules and methods are for uploading and using winery logos.. does not seem clear.