The Classical Association of New England

ARTICLE I. Name and Objectives of the Association

Section 1. The Name of this Association shall be "The Classical Association of New England."

Section 2. The objectives of the Association shall be to promote the interests of Classical studies and especially (a) to improve Classical teaching in school and in college by free discussion of its scope and methods, (b) to provide opportunities for better acquaintance and cooperation among classical teachers through meetings and discussions, and (c) to foster an appreciation of the Greek and Roman Classics and of ancient Greek and Roman civilization among the members of the general public in New England.

Section 3. To accomplish these objectives the Classical Association of New England shall undertake various activities in accord with policies and procedures as described in the Bylaws, all of which will operate in accord with the policy and procedures approved by the governing board, which is the Executive Committee of the Association.

ARTICLE II. Membership

Section 1. Any one who is interested in the objectives of the Association may become an Active Member, by payment of the appropriate annual dues for the current year.

Section 2. Active membership in the Association shall cease if the annual dues of a member remain unpaid for a period of one year.

Section 3. Life membership in the Association may be obtained by the payment of a graduated fee determined by the number of years during which the applicant has been an Active Member.

Section 4. Teachers, either in school or college, who have retired from teaching and who have been Active Members of the Association for at least 20 years may, at their request, become Members Emeriti and be relieved of the payment of dues.

Section 5. Persons distinguished for their interest in Classical studies or their special contribution to the welfare of the Association may be elected to honorary membership by vote of the Association upon nomination by the Executive Committee, but the total number of Honorary Members shall not exceed fifteen at any one time.

Section 6. Persons holding office in other educational organizations that bear a natural relationship to this Association may be elected Members ex officio by vote of the Association upon nomination by the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE III. Officers, Elections, and Appointments

Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a President-Elect, an Immediate Past President, an Executive Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Section 2. A President-Elect, an Executive Secretary, a Treasurer, a Coordinator of ProClass, three Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee, two Auditors, and Delegates to various other regional or national organizations shall be elected by the membership at the regular Annual Meeting in accordance with terms of office prescribed in the Bylaws. A replacement for any vacancy (except the President) may be appointed by the Executive Committee to serve until a successor shall be elected at the next Annual Meeting.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall appoint upon nomination by the President the following officers: Curator of the Funds; Coordinator of Educational Programs; Editor of CANE Instructional Materials; Editor of the New England Classical Newsletter & Journal; the New England Editor for The Classical Journal; and the Archivist.

Section 4. The President shall be the chief executive officer and the Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Association; the Executive Secretary shall be the chief administrative officer; beyond that the various officers shall have duties as outlined in the By-laws.

ARTICLE IV. Committees

Section 1. There shall be an Executive Committee which shall be the main governing board of the Association and shall consist of such members and operate in such a manner as outlined in the Bylaws and specified in the Manual.

Section 2. All Executive Committee members having a vote on said committee shall constitute the body of Directors of the Classical Association of New England, Incorporated, and shall act as agents for the Association in all matters legally pertainingto the Corporation.

Section 3. There shall be other permanent and standing committees as specified in the Bylaws, whose members and chairs shall be selected in the manner and time as further specified in the Bylaws

Section 4. Ad Hoc Committees may be formed and appointed from time to time by the President with approval of the Executive Committee. Such Ad Hoc Committees cease to exist when they have finished the task for which they were appointed and are formally dissolved by the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE V. Meetings

Section 1. There shall be a regular Annual Meeting at such time and place as the Executive Committee may determine.

Section 2. Special meetings may be held at any time and place by vote of the Association or at the call of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Twenty members present in person at an annual or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4. In the event that circumstances preclude the holding of the Annual Meeting, the Executive Committee shall act for the Association in transacting all business deemed necessary or expedient. In such event, the Executive Committee shall provide for the election of officers by means of a mailed ballot which shall contain the names of candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee.


Section 1. The annual dues, of an amount to be determined by vote of the Association, shall be payable by all active members on demand of the Treasurer.

ARTICLE VII. Amendments and Rules of Order

Section 1. Amendments to this constitution may be made at any Annual Meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided written notice of the proposed amendment shall have been mailed to members at least three weeks in advance of the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.

Section 2. The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern this Association in all cases in which they are applicable and not inconsistent with this constitution.


Section 1. Bylaws in conformity with the Constitution of the Association may be adopted or amended at any Annual Meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided written notice of the proposed bylaw or amendment shall have been mailed to members at least three weeks in advance of the meeting at which the bylaw or amendment is to be considered.

ARTICLE IX. Dissolution of the Association

Section 1. The Association may be dissolved only by vote of three-fourths of the members present at a special meeting called for the purpose. Upon any such dissolution of the Association, all its property remaining after satisfaction of all its obligations shall be distributed to some one or more corporations, funds, foundations, or learned societies, organized and operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder, member, or individual, and which does not carry on propaganda or participate or intervene in any political campaign, as the Executive Committee may select.


ARTICLE I. Operation Procedures and Record Keeping

Section 1. Each year at its Fall meeting the Executive Committee shall review and update as needed the Manual as a guide to the Association's operating procedure.

Section 2. Any discrepancies or problems that arise between meetings of the Executive Committee will be decided by the Executive Secretary after consultation with the President.

Section 3. A repository of all records of the Classical Association of New England shall be set up at an appropriate library and an Archivist shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, on the recommendation of the President, to be in charge of such materials.

ARTICLE II. Sponsored Activities

Section 1. To accomplish the goals and objectives of the Association the Executive Committee shall undertake various activities, some on an ad hoc footing, others on an on-going basis, determine the appropriate policies and procedures for each, and commission some officer or committee to oversee the operation of each.

Section 2. The activities that the Classical Association of New England sponsors and oversees on an on-going basis are: its Annual Meeting, the New England Classical Newsletter & Journal, the Annual Bulletin, the CANE Writing Contest, CANE Instructional Materials, the New England Latin Placement Service, and the CANE Summer Institute. Each of these activities shall be conducted in accordance with policies and guidelines recommended by the officer in charge of each activity and approved by the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE III. Officers and Their Duties

Section 1.

a. The President shall be chief executive officer of the Association and shall be in charge of the program for the Annual Meeting. The President shall make appropriate recommendations on appointments and policy to the Executive Committee and be ex officio a member of all committees. After one year as President, this officer shall serve one year as immediate Past President.

b. The Immediate Past President shall assist the members of the Executive Committee and shall serve as chair of the Nominating Committee and the Committee on Discretionary Funds.

c. The Executive Secretary shall have oversight of all operations and activities of the Association; prepare and distribute notices and minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee and Annual Meeting; have responsibility for coordination of the Annual Meeting; and shall edit and oversee the publication and distribution of the Annual Bulletin.

d. The Treasurer shall maintain the general account and render a complete report of it, subject to audit, at each Annual Meeting, and shall file the Association's annual report to the IRS. The Treasurer shall have authority to pay all current bills duly incurred by the Association and shall be keeper of the membership roll and the accounts of all membership fees and subscriptions.

e. The Curator of the Funds shall be chair ex officio of the Finance Committee and shall have custody of the Association's invested funds. The Curator of Funds shall work with the Finance Committee to develop an investment policy, subject to approval of the Executive Committee; shall have authority to act for the Association in purchasing, selling, assigning, or transferring any stocks or bonds owned by the Association; and shall render a complete report, subject to audit, of the Association's invested funds at each Annual Meeting.

f. The Auditors shall examine annually the accounts of the Treasurer, the Curator of the Funds, the Editor of CANE Instructional Materials, the CANE Summer Institute, and other accounts of the Association, and report their findings to the Association at each Annual Meeting.

g. The Editor of the New England Classical Newsletter & Journal shall edit and oversee the publication and distribution of this periodical.

h. The New England Editor of The Classical Journal shall work closely with the main editorial staff of the publication.

i. The Editor of CANE Instructional Materials shall be in charge of all aspects of the production and distribution of CANE Instructional Materials and shall render a report at each Annual Meeting of current, new, and forthcoming materials.

j. The State Representatives shall help run the CANE Writing Contest and serve as the main liaison between CANE and the State Classical Associations. A State Representative must be a member of CANE.

k. The Coordinator of Educational Programs shall be in charge of overseeing special educational programs sponsored or encouraged by the Association and shall be responsible for producing and disseminating an annual report on the Classics in New England; the Coordinator of Educational Programs shall have special responsibility for involving people who may not be professional Classicists or educators in the activities of the Association.

l. The Director of the Summer Institute shall have general oversight, financial as well as executive, over the CANE Summer Institute. The Director's responsibilities shall be, in consultation with the Steering Committee, to set the program for the Institute, to select and recruit faculty, to oversee the management of the Institute, and to report to the CANE Executive Committee.

m. The Co-Director of the Summer Institute shall assist the Director.

n. The On-Site Coordinator of the Summer Institute shall arrange and oversee the day-to-day business of the Institute while it is in session.

o. A person appointed by the host institution shall serve as a liaison between the CANE Institute and the host institution.

p. The Archivist shall be responsible to the Excutive Secretary and shall supervise all the CANE materials including the Annual Bulletin, all the editions of the Newsletter, and so forth, that are kept at a single location, maintain and catalogue all CANE records, maintain lists of all office-holders and all members on standing and ad hoc committees, maintain a necrology, and do any necessary historical research.

q. The Coordinator of Classics-In-Crisis shall be responsible for providing assistance to classics programs that face a threat of reduction or abolishment and for taking proactive measures to strengthen the health of the discipline. The Coordinator shall be empowered to appoint individuals who will carry out the interventions, assist in the production and dissemination of materials, and serve in a working group, the major appointments and procedures of which are subject to review by a standing committee consisting of the State Representatives or their designees.

ARTICLE IV. Terms of Office and Procedures of Selection

Section 1. The terms of office for the several officers, committee members, and delegates shall be as follows: For one year: President; President-Elect; Immediate Past President.

For one year, renewable upon nomination and appropriate subsequent action of the Executive Committee: Auditors; Delegates/Representatives to regional and national associations.

For two years, not immediately renewable: Director and Co-Director of the CANE Summer Institute.

For three years, not immediately renewable: Members-at-large of the Executive Committee in staggered terms.

For five years, renewable upon nomination and appropriate subsequent action of the membership: Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Coordinator of Classics-In-Crisis.

For five years, renewable upon nomination and appropriate subsequent action of the Executive Committee: Curator of the Funds; Coordinator of Educational Programs; Editor of the New England Classical Newsletter & Journal; Editor of CANE Instructional Materials; other Editors; Chairs of Standing Committees (other than the Executive Committee); Archivist.

For terms determined by State organizations: State Representatives.

Section 2. Elections shall occur at annual meetings after the report of the Nominating Committee; appointments shall be made by the Executive Committee upon nomination by the President, excepting that (1) the Director of the CANE Summer Institute shall be appointed by the Executive Committee upon the nomination of the President, Executive Secretary, and Immediate Past Director, and on the recommendation of the Institute's Steering Committee; and (2) the Co-Director and the On-site Coordinator of the Summer Institute shall be appointed by the Executive Committee upon the nomination of the Steering Committee.

Section 3. All terms of office shall officially begin on July 1 following the Annual Meeting.

Section 4. The fiscal year of the Association shall extend from July 1 to June 30, inclusive.

ARTICLE V. Dues and Subscriptions

Section 1. Annual Dues. The annual dues for active membership shall include official publications of the Association and shall be payable upon demand of the Treasurer. Those members resident in New England choosing to subscribe to the journals sponsored by the Association, but not published by it, may do so at a reduced rate of membership dues. Other journals may be ordered in accordance with the price schedule given on the annual dues notice. Any change in the membership dues must be approved by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting. The first year of membership for a new member is free of fee.

Section 2. Students of all ages may join the association for a fee that is $10 less than that of members who do not subscribe to any sponsored journals of other associations. Like regular membership the first year of student membership is free of fee.

Section 3. Life Membership Fees. Life members shall continue in the same status of membership (subscribing to sponsored periodicals or not), and the fee will be adjusted and reported accordingly. In accordance with Article II, Section 3, of the Constitution, life membership is obtained by payment of a graduated fee determined by the number of years the applicant has been an Active Member. The fee, determined by the Executive Committee, is subject to periodic change. The current fee for life membership will be published in the Executive Secretary's report in the Annual Bulletin.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall decide on a regular basis which periodicals the Association will sponsor.

Section 5. Registration Fee. Any surplus accruing from the Annual Meeting, above and beyond the legitimate expenses of the host institution, shall revert to the Association's treasury.

Section 6. Recompense of Officers. Various officers of the Association may receive reimbursement up to $150 for personal expenses as well as the budgeted costs of their office.

ARTICLE VI. Publications

Section 1. The official publications of this Association shall be the New England Classical Journal and the Classical Association of New England Annual Bulletin.

Section 2. The Editor of the New England Classical Journal shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, on the nomination of the President, and shall recommend to the Executive Committee the appointment of an Editorial Board of which the Editor shall serve as chair. The Executive Committee shall set the format and editorial policy of the New England Classical Journal upon the recommendation of the Editor and Editorial Board, who shall report to the membership when so instructed by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Executive Secretary shall serve as Editor of the Annual Bulletin, which shall include a directory of officers and committees, proceedings of the Annual Meeting, minutes of the Executive Committee meetings, financial reports, and the roll of members of the Association.

Section 4. Subscription to the New England Classical Journal shall be available to libraries inside and outside New England and to individuals outside New England, without membership in the Association. Subscription rates shall be set by the Executive Committee.

Section 5. The Association shall operate a service for the publication and distribution of teaching materials designated CANE Instructional Materials. The Editor of CANE Instructional Materials shall be responsible for the production and distribution of these materials.

ARTICLE VII. The CANE Summer Institute

Section 1. As part of the Classical Association of New England's attempt to advance an awareness and understanding of Classical antiquity throughout New England, the CANE Summer Institute seeks to provide a series of courses examining the art, history, literature, philosophy, and other aspects of Greek and Roman culture and to show how the ancient world is reflected in the modern one. These courses shall generally run for eight days in the summer and are open to all who wish to expand their knowledge of the past. A Steering Committee, consisting of the previous year's faculty and the other officers of the Institute, shall select the Institute's topic, and the lectures and courses for the Institute.

ARTICLE VIII. Committees

Section 1. There will be an Executive Committee composed of the following: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, three Representatives at Large, six State Representatives elected or appointed, respectively, by the classical associations of the six New England States, Coordinator of Educational Programs, Editor of the New England Classical Newsletter & Journal, Director of the CANE Summer Institute, and the Curator of the Funds as chair ex officio of the Finance Committee. Further, the Editor of CANE Instructional Materials, the Coordinator of Classics-In-Crisis, and the chairs of Standing Committees shall be members of the Executive Committee. All persons on the Executive Committee have one vote. [Members of the Executive Committee holding more than one office qualifying for vote may exercise one vote.]

Section 2. There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of three members, viz.: two members appointed by the President at the Annual Meeting and the aforesaid officer upon becoming Immediate Past President serving as chair. The Nominating Committee shall place in nomination at the next Annual Meeting a slate of officers as required by the Constitution and the Bylaws and specified in detail in the Manual.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall appoint, on the nomination of the President, the following committees and chairs of said committees, as specified in the Bylaws: the Committee on Scholarships; the Committee on the Barlow-Beach Distinguished Service Award; the Committee on Classical Computing; the Finance Committee; and the Committee on Membership. The Committees on Scholarships, Classical Computing, Finance, and Membership shall be Standing Committees and shall report to the membership when so instructed by the Executive Committee.

Section 4. At any time the Treasurer may instruct the chair of any committee to submit a report of expenditures, subject to audit.

Section 5. Committee on Scholarships. The Committee on Scholarships, composed of the two immediate past recipients as consultants, two voting members appointed for three years and a chair appointed for five years by the Executive Committee on the nomination of the President, shall administer the award of such scholarships as may be provided by the Association for the benefit of its New England members.

Section 6. Program Committee and Local Arrangements Committee. The President, acting in cooperation with the Executive Secretary and other members of the Executive Committee, shall appoint as deemed necessary a Program Committee and a Local Arrangements Committee for the Annual Meeting.

Section 7. Auditors. At each annual meeting the membership shall elect two auditors for the up-coming year, one of whom the President shall appoint as chair of the Auditing Committee; an auditor may not serve more than three consecutive years and must not be a member of either the Executive or the Finance Committees, or the recipient of any funds from CANE in any way during the fiscal year to be audited.

Section 8. Committee on the Barlow-Beach Distinguished Service Award. This Committee, composed of the President ex officio and two additional members to be appointed by the Executive Committee, shall give this award from time to time to a member of the Association who has, over the years, contributed exceptional service to the Classics in New England.

Section 9. Committee on Discretionary Funds. The Committee on Discretionary Funds shall consist of the Immediate Past President, as chair, and the three members-at-large of the Executive Committee. The Committee shall receive applications for grants-in-aid and determine appropriate awards in accordance with the regulations approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 10. Resolutions Committee. The Resolutions Committee shall consist of two members, appointed by the President, of which one shall be designated chair, and shall be responsible for proposing resolutions to the Annual Meeting for appropriate action.

Section 11. Committee on Classical Computing. The Committee on Classical Computing shall consist of members serving staggered three-year terms and a chair serving for five years, and shall promote and facilitate the use of computers within the associations in accord with the priorities approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 12. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Curator of the Funds, as chair, the Treasurer ex officio with vote, and two additional members, not from the Executive Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee for staggered three-year terms. This Committee shall review all financial records and make recommendations to the Executive Committee.

Section 13. Committee on Membership. The Committee on Membership, appointed by the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the President, with staggered three year terms, except for the chair who is appointed for five years, shall maintain a data base of information in the public domain relevant to CANE, and shall foster continued memberships and actively solicit new memberships in the Association.

Section 14. Other committees may be formed and appointed from time to time by the President with approval of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE IX. Placement Service

Section 1. The Association shall extend its sponsorship to, but shall assume no responsibility for, a New England Latin Placement Service operated by one or more state Classical associations within New England.

ARTICLE X. Relations with Regional and National Associations

Section 1. The membership shall elect annually from its membership one representative and one alternate to serve as the Association's representative on the Council of the American Classical League.

Section 2. The membership shall elect annually from its membership one delegate to each of the following associations: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages; the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages; and the National Committee for Latin and Greek.

ARTICLE XI. Affirmative Action

Section 1. The Classical Association of New England does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, gender, marital status, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or physical handicap.