Josia Elifas Helmut is a Namibian youth activist, writer, public speaker and entrepreneur. A product of extreme poverty, welfare, fatherlessness and a single mother-led household, He is a native of Windhoek, Namibia.

His willingness to learn and focus on community collaboration has led him to a number of volunteer opportunities and youth projects leaderships roles.  Josia has completed various short courses and had studied Television production at College of the Art in Namibia.

At the age of 17, he started volunteering for the Voluntary Service Oversease in Namibia (VSO-Namibia) producing and presenting a youth magazine radio program on HIV/AIDS. The radio show was broadcast on Katutura Community Radio. He is one of the founding team of the White Ribbon Campaign Namibia and the United Nations Association in Namibia.

Of his life work Josia Helmut says, simply, "My life-calling is to be a servant for the people, period. Money, fame, status, personal achievements, and all that means very little to me when pain and suffering are still real on this planet.