– Know yourself. Know the world.

– Love yourself, Love the world

– Be at peace, with yourself and the world

– Make yourself and your world happy.

I am Jogi Maharaj. I am doing spiritual practice, motivational speaking, and running Ashram in NZ called NZ ashram (www.nzashram.com). I am founder of NZ ashram, and our motto is “love humanity, love the world”. Previously, I was successful business man in IT field and computer engineer. I am CISCO and Microsoft certified. I have completed my study in India and New Zealand. I have done businesses in Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh and New Zealand.

My IT business of IT support work, Recycling E-waste, E-commerce. Currently, I teach IT projects to students in various Universities. I also teach yoga, meditation, do health and well being events at different places around Auckland.

I was running a very normal common man life which entailed of working, managing business, taking care of the family needs etc. My spiritual journey began 5 years ago when I saw dream.

In my dream I saw this beam of light which gave me vision to leave the unreal world. This dream completely changed my life and I felt supreme consciousness after this. Now my only aim is to direct and guide people towards humanity and peace.

I need people to assist me in this project and make world a happy and peaceful place to live.